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Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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B. Patricius:
In conjunction with the others on here, of which it is sad to say, I'm astounded at the respect shown to everyone who has posted on this topic,  that a student in one of my classes said, "We're all at a campfire, and we see different flames from differing perspectives, but it's the same campfire."

On that note, I'm cradle raised Irish Roman Catholic.  Yep.  If I miss Mass on Sunday, I feel guilty.  I went to a military school, then a Catholic High School, and almost went to a Catholic university as well, both before and after my time in the military.

On that note though, the crusaders going on crusade to absolve their sins, I can definitely relate to.  To be a follower of faith, any faith, and be a hunter of men, is a hard thing indeed.

Ah, so now I don't have to be the official forum Catholic Apologist anymore?  ;)

I'm a cradle Catholic too, with an Irish-Italian family (but I take after my mother's German family)

Concerning Church and pagan holidays on the same day, it really makes sense. You see, when you don't have a specific day for events, (though Christmas got Dec 25th because it was 9 months after the annunciation.) or Saints days to assign, if you will, then why not tailor them to include the local populace? The Church believes that Christ died to save all peoples. And saw nothing wrong with adapting to the local practices of a place to make conversion easier. This is why even today there are a multitude of regional variants within just the Catholic Church, all in communion with Rome.

Lord Tristin:
 I by no means mean to offend or start a religious argument. My point was to simply show how Celtic faith was waned, right or wrong. As far as creating dates for holidays to coincide with other religions to ease conversion, well I will leave that one alone too. My faith prohibits me from converting someone to it. You want to know about my faith, you ask, and i will tell you what you want to know,  I will never tell you you are wrong or try to convince you your beliefs are maligned.

B. Patricius:
Lord Tristin,

I'm sure I speak for most of us, by no means do I feel you could be starting a religious argument.  It's much the same as the trinity being conveyed in the shamrock, or our (Catholics) rosary in conjunction with eastern religions' (I believe Taoism, Zen, and Buddhism all) prayer beads.

I'm a huge fan of looking into "myth" as it is described in anthropology.  Be it Catholic, Protestant, Celtic-druidism, Agnostics, Islam, paganism (both neo and classic) or Eastern faiths.  All of them are interesting and deserve respect in their own right.  Celtic druidism especially as my whole family is Irish or Scot, gaelic one and all. 

Sir Nathan, I think you'd still have the "official forum Catholic Apologist" if by any means given through seniority ;)  that and after all I've been through, and all I've seen.  I'm a believer in Faith, any and all Faith.  I personally believe as Catholics do, but I definitely have some animosity towards my personal faith as well.

Lord Tristin, I personally would love to talk with you either in PM or even on these boards (if allowed as it does deal with knightly virtues heavily [Cu'chulainn and Morgan are great examples]) and I'm always willing to learn more.  Please don't take anything I've said as malice, as that is the opposite of my intentions.


--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-04-17, 22:04:30 ---
I'm a cradle Catholic too, with an Irish-Italian family (but I take after my mother's German family)

--- End quote ---

Irish-Italian?  You must have a good temper on ya with a bloodline like that laddie!   ;) :)


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