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Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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--- Quote from: Lord Tristin on 2013-04-15, 22:34:53 ---Many of the Christian traditions were adapted by the catholic church to coincide with Celtic traditions so that the Celtic faith could be slowly wiped out. The festivals were turned into saints day, winter solstice became christmas and summer solstice became easter. because of their vies on the dead all hallows eve repalced the holy day of Samhain (pronounced Sau-wen)

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Lord Tristin:

quoted for truth

Sir Wolf:
dont think of it as wiped out, but as all inclusive. many early catholic churches put their churches on holy sites and used green man or mother nature references in the art and sculpture as to "attract" the culture that they were trying to minister to. i had an "non western" history professor that went on for days about this :)

I honestly believe that human beings of any spiritual belief or religious tradition can get along in peace - if they truly wish it. I think that all too often when we see violence based on religious views we are actually seeing the acts of people who tend towards the chaotic or depraved regardless of whatever religion they might follow.

I tend to see this as an evolutionary process whereby eventually the ones who are unbalanced will be weeded out of the gene pool - largely through their own malicious handiworks - and those who are more balanced and enlightened will move forward in a good way.

In the way I walk balance is seen as being very sacred: Balance in nature, in self and in spirit. One can see the sacred balance everywhere in nature - it is not that difficult for a reasoning being to determine what will or will not spin things out of balance.

In my life I have met a good number of dark-siders. Not all of them are self absorbed power seekers: Some are indeed agents of a different side of nature who contribute to the great cycle of life in their own secretive ways.  Yet, lately a substantial number of the self-declared dark-siders I have met  are usually quite young and very frustrated with the world. This saddens me because I see our youth and children as being the future of this world. There are already enough twisted, angry people out there - and many of these are in positions of power and do great damage. The hatred is the worst part, for as my old Master once taught me: "Hatred serves only itself."

I feel the the best way to deal with this when we are faced with such is to educate when we can and live by example.


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