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New Heraldry

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Sir Wolf:
i think i like the second. the first looks like it has eyes staring at me

Sir James A:
Second .. it's much clearer that it's a cross. I know the first one is a besagew, but if you hadn't told me that, I'd be kinda lost.

Sir Brian:
Doh, somehow I missed this discussion!  :-[

I really like the new heraldry Lord Dane and the significance behind it! Well done!

As for a favorite I think I prefer the second one. Have you considered having it a solid gold cross as opposed to an outline?  ???

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-04-01, 18:59:26 ---Doh, somehow I missed this discussion!  :-[

I really like the new heraldry Lord Dane and the significance behind it! Well done!

As for a favorite I think I prefer the second one. Have you considered having it a solid gold cross as opposed to an outline?  ???

--- End quote ---

Yes I have. It is one of the designs I have saved but in thought, I deemed a golden cross would be in bad taste. Godly behavior is reflective in our thoughts and acts. They reflect who we are and our beliefs. I am not one to bear a cross of gold for myself (even in symbolism). A dark cross is more appropriate of the crosses men bear on their shoulders (even mine). A golden cross does not reflect me but more the ideals God has for us as good men. The idea behind it is the darkness that fills us hopefully does not reach the surface and is guided/controlled by the good nature reflective in God's will that we do right by his example. 

I am not one to reflect anything I am not. I serve, and make choices that must reflect who I am and choices I must live with (good and bad). What makes us mortal and not divine is that we live with dark choices, and also with regret if they are wrong. We live with sin and seek forgiveness for it. We make mistakes and hope for self-improvement. But always we bear a dark stain upon us and hope it helps lead us to righteous behavior so we can be forgiven (and forgive ourselves) for those mistakes we make. Far from perfect, we must better ourselves to be any reflection of what God expects of us. The cross overlays the darkness and reflects the righteousness of choice that becomes what we do in life through our actions for which we are judged by.

Lord Chagatai:
Here is my heraldry...what does everyone think?

I have two of them that I could use...

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