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                ---Benjamin Disraeli

Author Topic: Hand made buckles by Allan / MercTailor  (Read 5358 times)

Sir James A

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Hand made buckles by Allan / MercTailor
« on: 2012-11-24, 15:59:48 »
Allan has been recently making some buckles. I picked up 36 of them to replace the cast buckles on my armor, to bring it more of the "hand made" authenticity. They have light file/chisel work for decoration, leather straps with steel strap reinforcing and brass hardware that is soldered closed for extra durability. Some of my recent acquisitions from Allan (14th Cent legs and 14th Cent arms w/full rerebrace and integral spaulder) have these same style buckles.

I want to add a "strap keeper" to keep the strap end laying down flat, and as soon as I've made those, I'll be slowly swapping out the cast buckles for these. If you see Allan selling some, they're worth picking up!
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent