put the chausis on inside out, mark where they are too large with a piece of chalk, pin the new line and sew it. turn them right side out and try them. then turn them wrong side out again and cut off the excess. make sure you dont make them too tight in the ankles and knees.
ya just use hidden safety pins. only u will know. or mark where you want it to sit and put a few cheater stitches with the same color thread as the mantle. and sew it in place
Awesome idea for the chausses Sir Wolf, thank you!
Nice, maybe I should pick up a tunic by them. What one did you pick out? Cause I dont want one thats too long as I am not exactly tall.
It's the Bocksten tunic in wool, the 'one size' option. I'm about 5'10" and thin, and it fits fairly well, much better than my revival linen.
Safety pins to the shirt from underneath so not noticed should do it. Nice look, Ian. Very sharp & historical. I don't know why people like the rondel daggers. Guess it's just preference.
Thanks, as far as the rondel, it's one of the most documented daggers appropriate for my little niche in the timeline, I probably could have done a ballock dagger as well, but rondels look nice and mean to me

Thanks for the feedback gentlemen!