This came about due to that Facebook meme showing the bloodied lesbian who described how, after being called a name by a bigot, she slapped said bigot and was subsequently struck in response by him. She then whined that he had brutalized her.
A friends son posted about this. I took the guys side (given that he had initially only been rude not violent) and he replied that "You should never hit a woman ever" When I said his attitude was not only wrong but dangerous I was asked why. This is my response:
First I will start with the premise that Equal Rights means Equal Responsibility (Sounds like "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility" right? It's because Rights are a form of Power). Which means that if one is able to do a thing, and thus does it, one is responsible for the results of the exercising of the thing. Also one is responsible when one does not exercise it yet should have.
A good example: Via the ADA & Civil Rights Act I have Equal Rights as anyone even though I have Asperger's Syndrome. My responsibility is to not use those laws as a crutch but as an enabler to do better in life. I also must help teach people what my disability is and what it means to me & how it affects my life. Thusly do I help all those whom are disabled to be seen, and treated better, and more equitably.
So how does this relate to your question you ask? ("Just out of pure curiosity. How is his opinion harmful to others?") Glad you did. Women are a protected classification but that is really a band-aid for the real problem. The real victory would be if all those laws protecting women are repealed because they are truly no longer needed.
Taking the attitude that women are "special and need to be protected" means that you will treat all women in a deferential and patriarchal manner. No matter if the intentions are good, women will pick up on this and some will begin to believe that lie. The lie that they are less able, and less valuable because they cannot be trusted with the true responsibility of Equality. That they need to be coddled and looked after to a degree because they cannot survive failing nor are they able to stand up afterwards and dust them off. Thus saying that men are inherently superior beings who are burdened with taking care of the weaker sex because they are unable to.
If a woman is equal then she has an equal responsibility to look after herself. If a woman chooses to do something hard then we must respect her right to fail, learn from that failure, and pick herself up. We must respect her right to fail as often as she needs to to succeed.
Carrying the attitude that Women are inherently less than Men will bleed off you and affect the people around you by eroding the hard won confidence of women that they can do it, and re-enforcing the beliefs of Men that women cannot.
All women, all men, all people are powerful we just have to believe that. It is the duty of all men & women to treat the opposite sex as their equal. Just because it takes you longer to run the distance doesn't mean you cannot win the race.