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Rob Roy 'Honor'

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Sir Brian:
Truly your 11 year old is very astute to make such a subtle distinction when many so called adults miss it entirely! You good sir are greatly blessed.  :)

Thank you for the compliment, Sir Brian.

Yes indeed, I am quite proud of my daughter. She has been raised close to my tradition and she already has an enlightened view of the world I wish I had possessed at her young age. I think she will make a fine Warrior or healer one day - as she seems already to possess the spirit of both those things.

B. Patricius:
This movie had a PROFOUND effect on my life growing up.  It is a beautiful, underrated film.  Far better than others.

--- Quote from: Corvus on 2013-04-15, 17:40:15 ---An excellent clip that is.

I was only recently discussing the subject of honor with my 11 year old daughter as a matter of fact. She was asking me why it seemed to her that the people who had the least worthiness went around using the word honor the most. She was referring to various politicians who take titles such as the right honorable, or honorable, etc.

It is important that we teach the young ones about such things early on because, sadly, very few folk these days are truly acquainted with the real meaning of terms like honor or humility.

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that's awesome Covus.

It's like how I was talking with some of my friends from school, all about 10 years my junior about what the media is "feeding" them.  Not to go into politics at all, but it is interesting how often they are related as our "leaders" rather than our "elected officials."

In any regards, honor is definitely one of those very sentiment of virtues.  It's so easy to stray from the path when one is fighting for it.


--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-04-17, 22:12:31 --- Not to go into politics at all, but it is interesting how often they are related as our "leaders" rather than our "elected officials."

--- End quote ---

Indeed. I hear that. In my province we have our provincial elections coming up and thus everyone gets all worked up about his party or that. When the candidates in my area come up to attempt to garner votes from me I ask direct questions - and these questions are devised to get an idea about the attitude of the candidate among other things. Those who seek office to serve are exceptionally rare as I am sure you know.

At times like this I am always reminded of something the science fiction author, David Brin said with regard to power and corruption: "It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power."

Sir Wolf:
hmmm i still need to scan in that picture don't i


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