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Rob Roy 'Honor'

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Sir Edward:

Sir Brian was kind enough to share this on facebook. I thought I'd pass it along here as well.

Sir William:
You know, as time passes I realize how good that movie is.  I picked up a copy on ebaY because I'd seen the last fight scene on YT and wanted to see what the rest of the movie was like.  I thought it well written and well cast...and I'd forgotten about this scene, but it says it so well nothing need be added.  Thanks for sharing, Sirs Brian and Edward.

Joshua Santana:
YES!  One of the best movie quotes!  This move scene puts a smile on my face.   ;D

I agree that Honor is something that not only can a man give to himself but it is earned as well.  No one can ever take away the honor of being Knighted or take away the fact I live by a Code tried and true even though society says "its dead and who cares anymore".  No one will ever take away the Honor of being in the company of Chivalrous Brethren like you all and no one will ever take away the Honor of me being Knighted (when that time comes).

One can argue that Honor is a form of Virtuous Courage, abiding by Honor takes Courage to stand for what you believe, what you know is the right thing to do and acting on your word.  Even though you loose a lot of acquaintances, you may be unpopular with the girls and even mocked or made fun of because you "act like a do gooder", "wussy for not being a man" (according to the world's viewpoint), you taking a stand for doing the right thing takes Courage and Honor.

But in the end, the friends worth having would not only admire you for that, they will respect you further and friendships become stronger.  The one woman who will become the Mrs. would not only appreciate that you act with Honor, she will do the same in regards to the relationship/marriage and Trust is never broken. 

This is why Honor is essential in living by the Code of Chivalry.  Still I enjoyed this clip, thank you for sharing Sir Edward.


Joshua Santana:


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