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How a Knight Shall be Armed - 4th grade style

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Ugh, zero tolerance is such BS. Please don't get me started, I'm still in school with that accursed policy... :P

So glad I live in the West.

Sign outside of Churchill County High School in Fallon about 60 miles away "Students, please remove all shotguns, rifles, and pistols from your vehicle and person before coming on campus."

Bonus points if you can tell me what national big time program is at NAS Fallon. (Hint: It used to be at Miramar NAS)

Sir Rodney:
I may have mentioned this previously, but here it goes.  Within the past year or so a kid was suspended from a Twin Cities public school for having a box cutter in his car.

By all accounts he was a responsible young man helping his family pay the bills by stocking supermarket shelves at night.  One night he worked a ton of overtime, went home, crashed, and managed to get up in time for school the next morning.   A passerby noticed the box cutter in his car the next morning while it was parked in the student parking lot.  The police were called, councilors were brought in and he was suspended.

The box cutter was in his locked vehicle; he was not brandishing it, he was not bragging about it, in fact he had totally forgotten about it.  This situation was total and utter B.S. in my opinion.
I’ll never forget the day in high school (so long ago) when the morning announcements included the message that we couldn’t bring guns to school anymore.  I grew up in a very rural area where everyone hunted.  Every truck in the parking lot had a weapon rack.  You could’ve armed a small army.  No one was ever hurt.  These are indeed sad times.


--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2012-06-01, 23:39:23 ---So glad I live in the West.

Sign outside of Churchill County High School in Fallon about 60 miles away "Students, please remove all shotguns, rifles, and pistols from your vehicle and person before coming on campus."

Bonus points if you can tell me what national big time program is at NAS Fallon. (Hint: It used to be at Miramar NAS)

--- End quote ---

Well, being a navy pilot myself I'm at a distinct advantage here... but the answer to your question is both Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun) and Rotary Wing Weapons School.  I'm assuming you meant Top Gun... but jets are for sissies, real men fly helicopters.

And Ian is correct on both accounts.  :D

Had a jet pilot tell me that copters don't fly, they beat the air into sumbmission. ;)


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