If it isn’t too much of a bother, could you bring all three this Sunday to VARF? – The Talhoffer, Crecy and your new Albion (so I can drool over it! ).
Sure thing. Ironically these are the three that don't have scabbards, so maybe I'll dig out my gun cases.
But yeah, if you want to do test-cutting, the Crecy is better for that. Unless you want to do test-stabbing instead.
Of course, for raw cutting power, the Baron kicks butt, but it's also a bit more massive. But I think the Crecy is a better "teaching cutter" since it's very controllable.
Interesting anecdote... The Talhoffer was my first Albion. I bought it used on myArmoury a while back. The dude I bought it from took it to his local UPS shop (a Mailboxes Etc or whatever it was), and let them box it up for him. And boy, they were
stupid about it. They just threw it in a box with packing peanuts, without anything to secure it's position or cover the tip. In transit, it looked like the tip poked out of the box at least a dozen times, and was still protruding a full inch when the box was left on my doorstep. Remember, the Talhoffer has a needle-like point. Well, the last half millimeter or thereabouts was mashed flat, since it probably had struck something on one of the trucks. I was able to file it down and not really loose anything, so it ended up being OK. But man, it nearly gave me a heart-attack to find it that way on my front step.