sweet dude!!
for the skirt. we'll sew a non-buckling belt to the top and punch some pointing holes into the leather. then we'll sew some points onto your arming jacket so you can easily remove the skirt as needed.
the the voiders.. the only thing i can think of to make them removeable is do it just like the skirt. add leather around the edges so you can point them to it. i think velcro would be a bad idea, the weight and movement would jsut pull it off... besides it would make me just want to punch you everytime i saw it hehehhehehe jkjk
keep an eye open for the standard. they are a great addition to the kit as you saw
hehehe once u go riveted it is so hard to goto butted again. i go do so much more with my kits if i would let me self make or buy butted... but i cant!! hehehehe