Main > The Round Table

An argument for a case of Exploitation

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Sir Brian:
Both still babes in the woods...My son-in-law just turned 31 and my daughter is 29! ;)

 George Zimmerman is an idiot. Had he been killed the media would laud his unprofessional and dumb actions as the leading cause of his death.

I'm thinking that they will split the baby with him and declare, as SYD Law is being used an affirmative defense to potential 2nd Degree Murder (Unlawful Detainment by a civilian being the precipitating act), that the law does not apply here and charge Zimmerman with 3rd Degree Murder/ Manslaughter then give him probation.

Sir Brian:
I agree that Zimmerman was an idiot that obviously suffers from 'Barney Fife' syndrome. There is no denying that he deliberately pursued Trayvon in his untrained and misguided enthusiasm to 'nip the problem in the butt' and I think he should get something as a way to deter any possible future tragedies, although he may already be paying a much higher price by having to live with what he did.  :-\

Sir Edward:

Not only does he have to live with what he did, but also live with all the attention he's getting as a result of it, and other repercussions.

Take for example this:

Racist retaliatory attacks on innocent elderly people? Nice.

wow, and the police aren't treating this as a hate crime?
This is the political correctness bubble popping, methinks...


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