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An argument for a case of Exploitation

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Update: Zimmerman Case

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-04-08, 13:09:44 ---
Not only does he have to live with what he did, but also live with all the attention he's getting as a result of it, and other repercussions.

Take for example this:

Racist retaliatory attacks on innocent elderly people? Nice.

--- End quote ---

I am fucking disgusted by their actions...stupid idiots, that does nothing but cause more tension, not to mention no elderly person should have to suffer at the hands of anyone.  Or people in general.  This reminds me of the case ongoing with my nephew...trial starts this month, I'll be there.  Would love to get my hands on these assholes.  They were looking for an excuse to do something stupid and they picked this one for a cause.  I hope the judge throws them under the damned jail.  They deserve no less.


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