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An argument for a case of Exploitation

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Sir Brian:

This is an opinion article pertaining to the very bizarre Trayvon Martin shooting. I find this piece cuts through much of the hullabaloo being continuously stirred up about this case and the longer the media keeps harping on it the more I’m convinced it is being exploited by the media to keep the bogus racist white American flag flying in order to perpetuate the guilt complex come this fall election.

Sir William:
I hate to say it...but I agree.  All of the progress made during the 60s-era civil rights movements have largely stagnated because our purported Black leaders have decided for us ALL that it is better to be perceived as the perpetual victim than for the actual truth to come out.  Trayvon Martin was no angel, no matter how cherubic his pictures look (which were exploitive in that they were designed to foster sympathy for the victim and demonization for Zimmerman, of which I am also guilty as I fed right into it) - but whatever petty crimes he has been guilty of, none of them warranted a shooting death.

It seems to me that Zimmerman was a little too amped to accost this kid, and he was still a kid, and got surprised when Trayvon got the drop on him.  That Stand Your Ground law in FL is going to be tested...can that defense stick if he precipitated the situation by attempting to detain the kid himself, despite police dispatch telling him it wasn't necessary for him to do so?  They did not tell him NOT to do it, only that it wasn't necessary.  There's been a lot of conjecture over the wording...and a lot of long winded and circuitous discourse over on AA about it.

Sir Brian:
From all the various twist and turns of information that has come out on this case the best guess scenario I can come up with is this:

Zimmerman a self-proclaimed neighborhood watchman observed a suspicious looking guy in his neighborhood and decided to tail him. Trayvon notices he’s being tailed by a suspicious guy and is naturally thinking he might get jumped and robbed. When Zimmerman gets out of his SUV after Trayvon shakes him, he in turn gets jumped by Trayvon who probably figured he should get the jump on the dude that planned on robbing him. A fight starts and after Trayvon was getting the better of Zimmerman who certainly had every reason to believe his life was in jeopardy just as Trayvon was doing the best to defend his life but ultimately lost it because Zimmerman was able to get to his firearm. I do not believe either of these kids was up to anything illegal nor had any malicious intent towards each other except for the intention of defending their own lives which is truly the tragedy in the whole thing. What is criminal and despicable is how some of the media and activist have used this to twist the souls of this nation to further their own agenda.

Sir Edward:

Excellent article, and excellent summary Sir Brian!

Sir William:
I think you've managed to sum up in one post what is currently an on-going and very long-winded debate/discussion/flamefest - well done, Sir.  That was definitely on point.  Just to clarify, George Zimmerman is in his 30s, Trayvon is 17.


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