I was finally looking at the Albions. Very nice but very expensive. Ian got a nice one. I might eventually pony up the funds & purchase one. Still shopping. 
The Albion lineup is probably the most expensive production-based collection you're likely to find...A&A is a close second. It is also going to be the sexiest in terms of fit, finish and overall presentation. They're not just pretties though, they are all designed from the ground up by Peter Johnsson based on extensive research on swords all over the world and they are built as close to historical examples as possible without actually copying. Instead of copies of specific swords (although there are those as well, they cost even more) they made them to fit a specific period or typology (Oakeshott for the post-Viking era blades) so that it would not be out of place on a knight or soldier's belt for that time period.
Your first Albion will make the rest of your collection look and feel cheap and tawdry by comparison. I own two, with a third on the way. I say that the third will be my last but that's not actually true- I still need to acquire a Meyer, then I'll be done. For now, anyways. I still get giddy about swords...but I try to temper that with the realization that any sword that I want that I'd keep is going to cost a lot more than what I used to be willing to pay when I first got started collecting. lol
This is
Deus Irae, or
Irae for short; my first Albion. I need to take some pics of her out of the scabbard (a DBK).

That reminds me...Ian, do you have any pics of you in full harness with this sword at your side? I'd like to see how the scabbard hangs with that suspension he rigged up for you.