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Author Topic: Round Tables, and Modern Orders of Chivalry  (Read 15179 times)

Sir Edward

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Round Tables, and Modern Orders of Chivalry
« on: 2008-06-21, 04:04:08 »
When I bought my Albion Talhoffer a while back from a myArmoury forum member, I had asked him if the sword had been used for anything (cutting, etc), and he said that aside from cutting up a couple of cardboard boxes, it had only been taken to a few Round Tables. At first my reaction was "huh?" I mean, I knew what he meant, but my thought was "people actually do that?"

I've been part of a lot of online communities, and various interest groups for different hobbies and the like, but until I started meeting people in the WMA community and on some of these forums in the last couple of years, I never knew that there were communities of people out there who had the same level of interest and respect for these things. I should have guessed, I suppose. :) But I never knew where to look. I tried googling many times, and even posed questions on some other forums, trying to find information about knightly or chivalric groups (conducting themselves as orders, or just as a bunch of enthusiasts, or whatever). People generally don't seem to advertise this sort of thing. Pretty much all I could find was the Selohaar website for many years (which, BTW, from reading over the site, I think is awesome).

It gives me a new sense of hope and renewed camaraderie to know that there are like-minded people here. And it reminds me that I must make a greater effort to attend the events that I can and take part in it. :)

It makes me wish I had a grand hall to host such a thing! I think the little cardboard box of a house that I have wouldn't really support it. :)

« Last Edit: 2009-01-06, 14:50:53 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Edward

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Re: Round Tables, etc
« Reply #1 on: 2008-07-10, 17:23:14 »

Hah, it occurred to me that the "round table" he mentioned in reference to my Talhoffer might have been with regards to the Albion Collectors Guild:



... but that still doesn't diminish what I was saying... :)

Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Matthew

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Re: Round Tables, etc
« Reply #2 on: 2008-09-04, 21:44:41 »
I would certainly like to participate in something like this.  Time considerations may limit my involvement as well. 


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Re: Round Tables, etc
« Reply #3 on: 2008-09-04, 23:01:25 »

 I suppose, Sir Edward, that there are a LOT of these groups out there. Some basing themselves on
 "The Order of the Garter" and other such historical groups and factions. They all go back to all of us
wishing and doing our best to strive to a higher purpose, I would assume.
 And who says that a "Great Hall" isnt the blue sky we all live under day in and day out? ;)

Sir Edward

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Re: Round Tables, etc
« Reply #4 on: 2008-12-22, 15:53:59 »

Well, speaking of round tables, someone on Chivalry-Now pointed these out on youtube:


I want one!
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Round Tables, etc
« Reply #5 on: 2008-12-22, 20:29:30 »
I've actually worked with several tables of this design at my previous job,
but they were of a square design and if it was made by Mirador or Hekman,
either was always a pain to manipulate....
they do look kinda flashy though..... ;)

Sir Edward

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Re: Round Tables, and Modern Orders of Chivalry
« Reply #6 on: 2009-01-06, 15:20:40 »
I was thinking some more recently, and thought I'd write a few more musings here, so I've also updated the title of this thread.

Back in 2001 I was part of a re-creation society (much like a miniature SCA), and within that I had the opportunity to create my own Order of Chivalry. I was quickly knighted, and then I in-turn quickly knighted a few others into it. It was all done very quickly, and the society itself didn't survive much longer. It was very casual, and done within the context of the group. That's the extent of my experience with Orders of Chivalry in the modern sense, and even then it was more of a "fictional" context, even though my goal was real chivalry for the real people that were members.

A few years ago I was googling around to see what else was out there. Almost everything I looked for turned up SCA related information. I was already aware of the Selohaar order, but not much else.

The chivalry section on the Armour Archive is an interesting place to discuss or read about others opinions on chivalry, and how it informs their daily actions. It's almost entirely populated by SCA members, and therefore mostly SCA knights, so it is all influenced by that. However, the lines between the SCA persona and the real person's personality are often blurred, and that can be evidenced by how seriously some of these folks take their Chivalric philosophy.

This past year, I was pleased to meet some of the members of The Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux, which appears to be based in North Carolina (it was NCRF where I ran into them). They're a modern order, but they do knightly combat demonstrations to raise money for charity, etc.

And recently, some folks from Chivalry-Now came over to this forum and let us know about their group. Chivalry-Now drops the historical trappings altogether, except in the symbolic sense, and focuses on modern life as a grass-roots effort to improve our culture. An ambitious but worthy goal.

Through these contacts, I've also learned of the existence of other groups out there, or other efforts by individuals. This includes the The Order of the Noble Heart, which appears to be perpetually in the planning stages, and The Order of the Green Cross, which is a modern religious order which appears hostile to secular groups.

With a few exceptions, I'm encouraged to find that these groups are springing up. In the grand scheme of things, the Internet is still relatively new, but it's starting to have a great impact in allowing like-minded people to find one another and build communities when physical distance in the world would otherwise be prohibitive.

It's also nice to see that some places have local organizations that are doing a pretty good things, like the Fiat Lux order. Personally, I think it would be really cool to take part in an organization like that. If I were creating it, I'd set up the combat system and equipment a little differently, but the concept is great.

How about all of you? Are there other groups out there you know of? Have you ever taken part in such groups before? What would you expect out of one if you joined it? Or what would you want to contribute?

« Last Edit: 2009-01-06, 15:32:11 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Griff

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Re: Round Tables, and Modern Orders of Chivalry
« Reply #7 on: 2009-01-06, 16:07:39 »
Damn, those Green Cross guys sure seem...bent on their purpose, to say the least. :P

The group I'm part of is rather more down to earth with these things, which is something I'm glad of. And most of them share my beliefs when it comes to religion, as I found out after a discussion with a couple of them at a bar. Most are agnostics, to a degree. Anyway.

I find being part of a knightly order as a quite admirable pursuit so I naturally admire anyone who is an active member of such a group. If you will make your own Edward, then I am sure you will find enough seekers to create a group of respectable size. Of course, it also helps when said knights also have kits and weapons. Not like the current "warriors" in my group. Well, I'm no different from them as of yet, but I plan to change that in the near future.

Sir Edward

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Re: Round Tables, and Modern Orders of Chivalry
« Reply #8 on: 2009-01-06, 17:26:46 »
Damn, those Green Cross guys sure seem...bent on their purpose, to say the least. :P

Yes, I was very pleased to see their founder step in and make some really good points to rein his guys back in. Still, it makes me wonder. I also noticed factual errors on their "What we believe" page, particularly with regards to the history of the Templars.

Anyway, thanks to Sir Wolf, I now have scans of some of the photos from the Accolades back in 2001:


« Last Edit: 2009-01-06, 17:32:45 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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