Allan, you and your wife did a great job on the shield. Ironically the heater I am going to order in our group buy, I was going to see if I could get my arms painted on it too
James, I discounted the price for the shields for you guys but I can't do that for my wife, she'd need to get what she feels its worth for the artwork. Wheres a pic of it so I can have her look at it?
Allan, no problem, just shoot me a quote. I hadn't even thought to ask if she was still doing it or not, and was going to check with you when we order the shields. Here's a picture from my gonfalon, for how I'd like it to "sit" on the shield since they're the same shape:

Small note, the tongue/claws are grey on there, but I'd like the entire lion (including claws and tongue) white. Here's my surcoat, with the whole lion white:

(both pictures should be clickable for large versions, if photobucket is being nice to me today)