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Is it still wrong if another culture says it is right?

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Verily, True words, good Sir William!  :)

Sir Patrick:
It is one thing to accept cultural differences, but turning a blind eye to basic human rights violations masquerading as tradition is quite another. 

I have Aspergers Syndrome and thus an almost total lack of empathy, but that is a medical thing.


Right is Right. Wrong is Wrong. Cowardice is Wrong. Courage is Right. Hacking a woman's nose off like that is Wrong. Shooting the bastards who did it in the head is Right.

Sir William:
You know, I totally missed that this had occurred in Canada but really, so what?  I think it is indicative of the education system en total, regardless of locality.  I am quite sure this same level of apathy is evident in our own school systems.  I actually have an example that is close to home for me.

My 15 year old nephew got sucker punched at a party last month- a house full of kids (parents were there as well) and no one did anything.  After he got his bearings together, he went and sat back down on the couch.  He's sitting there, fluid filling up in his eye socket and the kids responsible were still present as well.  Not a peep out of anyone, except for one girl whose party it was.  Apathy.  They saw, and did nothing.  The kid who hit him actually bragged about it on FB.  Seems he liked the girl whose party it was, and took umbrage when she showed my nephew attention (prior to the incident).

According to the doctor, he will have to get his eye checked every year for the rest of his life; no more sports for him- especially contact sports, so there goes football.  He is still having vision problems.

I'm waiting to see what 'the law' will do about it.

Sir Wolf:
now its time to sue!! both the party involved and the household it was at!


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