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Is it still wrong if another culture says it is right?

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Sir Edward:

Is it still wrong if another culture says it is right? A teacher’s surprising discovery

Sir Wolf:
your beliefs and freedoms end at the end of my nose, once you've touched me you've crossed the line and have impacted my person. be prepared for the hell that follows. ;)

Sir William:
I am extremely disappointed...but not shocked or even caught unawares.  I still say this got started with the O'Hair woman and snowballed- whoever came up with 'political correctness' should have their nose and ears hacked off.

These students did not evince a strong response because it didn't happen to them or anyone they knew personally.  So for them, it is more of an abstract concept than a hard and fast truth...they don't have to deal with the aftermath, repercussions or turmoil that will ensue.  As such, it is just another blurb in the news to them.

Some would blame the gratuitous violence in movies and games as the reason why these kids are so desensitized...I would not agree.  If they are unable to know the difference between entertainment media and real life, there is a larger problem that needs to be addressed one seems willing or able to do it on a larger scale.  Myself included.  Sometimes, it seems hard just to care about some things...especially when they don't affect me or mine directly, but that's a pretty poor way to look at things and I am working on it.  That doesn't mean that empathy is null and void for me...just that there seems to be a glut of things that need real consideration, and not enough time or people to care enough to do so.  It really does boil down to an individual's outlook on things...which is kind of sad in a way.

In the article, he mentions that some of the students couldn't or wouldn't even look up to view the image- to me, that smacks of that PC bs I call cowardice.  That's all political correctness is- an unwillingness to put any sort of responsibility on the other person based on their race, appearance or political gives people an excuse to behave like field mice as it is much easier to acquiesce and keep your head down than it is to stand and speak up for what is right, even if/when no one else is doing it.

It is small wonder we get such looks when people hear we are knights...the idea of being courageous, of standing against any and all opposition for what's right- it is an alien concept, alien because it goes against the grain of this movement where we must coddle everyone else at our own expense.

Too bad you can't take a bat to some of the parents of those kids...they didn't come to this way of thinking solely on their own.

Wow. Well, I guess this is what the Liberal/Socialist education drive has been leading up to eh?  ;)
Great Job Canada! Frikkin great job!

It sucks here too. Just last year I had to read a book where the main character I'm supposed to identify with beats his wives with a stick about every 4 pages, all because it's traidtional, and I'm supposed to look upon the White invaders as evil because they retaliate for the killing of their messengers and people.

You know, I really get a kick out of the political correctness folks. I think at this point it's simply an excuse to know nothing at all, and claim you're being "Accepting"

Two things I'll note about them. Their entire philosophy is self-contradictory, if not outright hypocritical. They are good and fine about accepting anyone, until someone with different ideas (Usually me trying to uphold morals or something apparantly unimportant) and they flip the absolute hell out. I've been called a Imperialist (I'm proud of that one), a rascist (apparantly it's not cool to retaliate to acts of war, which translates into race.....somehow), a homophobe (because anyone who feels that Homosexuality is wrong wants to mass-murder them right?), a fascist (laughed), and simply a terrible person.
Point is, they act all accepting of everything.........          .....that isn't exactly what they believe. Oops. Back to square one......

Also, it's kinda hilarious that in all honesty, I'm probably technically more politically correct than the politcal correctness gurus, not confusing races, religions, and countries of origin (minor details, right?)
I love listening to a major PC (political correcness) guru call someone Arab when they should have said Muslim. However, they really cannot wrap their mind around respect of other cultures whilst maintaining identity of one's own. I don't really see how respect for something must come at the direct expense of another. 

Frater de Beaumanoir:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-12-07, 21:45:06 ---I am extremely disappointed...but not shocked or even caught unawares.  I still say this got started with the O'Hair woman and snowballed- whoever came up with 'political correctness' should have their nose and ears hacked off.

These students did not evince a strong response because it didn't happen to them or anyone they knew personally.  So for them, it is more of an abstract concept than a hard and fast truth...they don't have to deal with the aftermath, repercussions or turmoil that will ensue.  As such, it is just another blurb in the news to them.

Some would blame the gratuitous violence in movies and games as the reason why these kids are so desensitized...I would not agree.  If they are unable to know the difference between entertainment media and real life, there is a larger problem that needs to be addressed one seems willing or able to do it on a larger scale.  Myself included.  Sometimes, it seems hard just to care about some things...especially when they don't affect me or mine directly, but that's a pretty poor way to look at things and I am working on it.  That doesn't mean that empathy is null and void for me...just that there seems to be a glut of things that need real consideration, and not enough time or people to care enough to do so.  It really does boil down to an individual's outlook on things...which is kind of sad in a way.

In the article, he mentions that some of the students couldn't or wouldn't even look up to view the image- to me, that smacks of that PC bs I call cowardice.  That's all political correctness is- an unwillingness to put any sort of responsibility on the other person based on their race, appearance or political gives people an excuse to behave like field mice as it is much easier to acquiesce and keep your head down than it is to stand and speak up for what is right, even if/when no one else is doing it.

It is small wonder we get such looks when people hear we are knights...the idea of being courageous, of standing against any and all opposition for what's right- it is an alien concept, alien because it goes against the grain of this movement where we must coddle everyone else at our own expense.

Too bad you can't take a bat to some of the parents of those kids...they didn't come to this way of thinking solely on their own.

--- End quote ---

AMEN Brother!


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