Main > The Round Table

Deeds of Modern Knights

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Sir Wolf:
pics of your kit pics of your kit! heheh

Sir William:
It'll be a wonder if I can get my head into my helm now lol


Wolf, no kit as of yet...but I did bring her here so she could see the different styles amongst us knights as well as learn what goes with what time period.  The goal is to build a kit for her eventually.

Sir Edward:

Well, one of the easiest ways to get started is to do 12th or first half of the 13th centuries. Mail, surcoat, and a nasal/conical helm, or one of those proto-great-helms. :)

Sir William:
Yes, that is what I had in mind but I will defer to her own tastes...who knows, she might want to make it a little more fantastical, we haven't really had the armor conversation other than 'I want it' and 'I will see what I can find out'.  lol

Sir Matthew:
Wow, you are truely a Knight at heart, at least by your deeds. I have a freind from high school who just returned from a trip to southeast Asia where he was doing the same thing. He volunteers with a group domestically that does such work and decided to travel oversees to help out there also. It's hard and sometimes dangerous work that these people do so you have my deepest respect.


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