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Cross worn on back

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Frater de Beaumanoir:
Maybe "recruiting" is too ambiguous a term, maybe more like; where to focus the efforts of the armed Faithful in support of long term objectives and in an intrest to up hold the focus of the Peace/Truce of God (spiritual sanctions in order to limit the violence of armed Christians and restless Chivalry against the common man and churchmen of the time).

 :P ;)

Tecumque amice Frater. I have always been drawn to The Templar cross with out knowing much about it. I find now that my kit has some much needed improvements. :)

Sir Wolf:
with all the knowledge here now i'm sure you will have a 100% awesome kit in no time.

Lol, much simpler!  ;D

I just didn't like the sound of recruitment, too many inaccurate connotations could be drawn by the unknowing.

Yes, we need more military order kits! Stick with it, you'll have it in no time.   :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: ECOX on 2011-08-09, 03:20:47 ---I had a Gentleman tell me that crusaders always wore their crosses facing toward Jerusalem. IE; worn on their back when returning home. I haven't found any reference to this. The man that told was a Knight in a jousting troupe. I didn't ask a lot of questions figuring I would just Google it. Has anyone here heard of this?

--- End quote ---

Irrelevant seeing most Order knights/crusaders wearing tunics, surcoats had their crosses beared also upon their riding capes so ..... I wouldn't give that supposed practice or myth much on merit but who knows. Ritualistic practices were not commonly shared in writing outside of those who engaged in them. But it is interesting none the less.


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