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Cross worn on back

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I had a Gentleman tell me that crusaders always wore their crosses facing toward Jerusalem. IE; worn on their back when returning home. I haven't found any reference to this. The man that told was a Knight in a jousting troupe. I didn't ask a lot of questions figuring I would just Google it. Has anyone here heard of this?

Sir Matthew:
That would be a new bit of info to me. Maybe Sir Nathan might know something about this, he seems to be our resident Crusade expert.

Sir Wolf:
ya i have never heard this at all either. doesnt mean its not true but also doesnt mean it true either. kinda sounds like one of those rumor things. ;)

Sir Brian:
Or some Templar was in a rush to don his armor one morning and put his surcoat on backwards and explained away his fashion faux pas by stating he wanted his cross to always face Jerusalem.  ;)

Sort of like the other fashion faux pas rumor of wearing one’s pants halfway down their buttocks trying to look cool in reality it was a fashion statement started in prison by the prison “bitches” as a form of advertisement.  :P

Sir Edward:

I haven't heard it either, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I still find all sorts of little tid-bits whenever I read something new.

Sometimes a little "factoid" might be fictitious, but represented as fact in a single book, and then it becomes a rumor with a life of its own. Or, it could be just a little-known fact.

Not all of the jousters are real historians, so I wouldn't take it as fact until some documentation can be found.

Now I'm curious. No idea where to find out about it though.


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