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Well in fact the Idea of what a crusade was wasn't anywhere close to being settled in 1095. The Vatican had at the time gotten around with the ideas of just war, and various benefits to those who fought in the reconquista, but not a full blown crusade.
In period they were known as armed pilgrimages, and not crusades.
The real establishment of what in fact the spiritual benefit even was (a blessing, a penance, an indulgence, ect) weren't really laid out until Pope Innocent lll really delved headfirst into the Idea. In fact the earliest uses and meaning of the term Crusade simply as a drive to create a state centered upon he city of Jerusalem.

And Just Wondering, is the source period? If so, had he personally been on Crusade, or was he simply writing a form of Documentary? If not, credentials and further examination of material. I am interested in this, but I would like to see to the sources credibility first.   

Frater de Beaumanoir:
I was talking about "recruiting" techniques, not what the main event was to be titled.  ;D

Huzzah Frater !!! I am humbled by just how little I know. The more I read on here, the thirstier I get to learn more.

Frater de Beaumanoir:
Brother ECOX, Greetings an Pax vobiscum. Good to see the colors you've declared!  ;)

But still, the Papacy wasn't really in any sense recruiting. Often those leading the crusade did so without actually thinking themselves under any kind (besides spiritual) or subservience to the Vatican. 


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