Main > The Round Table

Knight of the week

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Sir William:
Huh.  Guess we'll just have to wait for the next, uh, rotation.  lol

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-02-01, 15:05:37 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-01-31, 21:39:51 ---
--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-01-31, 20:54:45 ---Do you guys plan on renting out space for all the excess that comes with being a medieval history & collectibles junkee or are you just going to do what I do...let your wife complain about all the crap constantly cluttering the apartment & promise to put stuff away??   ;D LOL

--- End quote ---

You could always remove the wife.

lol, I kid, I kid....

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The wife might take offense at being called clutter Sir James. :)

--- End quote ---

Wasn't a label I gave her. :) Just said it's an option to remove the wife. Mine never complained about the clutter, since she had an equal amount of clutter, except in clothing and shoes... ;)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-02-01, 21:35:51 --- Mine never complained about the clutter, since she had an equal amount of clutter, except in clothing and shoes... ;)

--- End quote ---

Bingo!  Same situation as me...but then, I don't have the amount of 'clutter' that you possess Sir least, not yet.  ;)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Believe me, when you see my house, you'll understand why it's more like a museum with all the helmets, shield, etc. I had to stop cause I ran out of room. That's also why I want to keep the members of the group at 5 for my knighting...due to my house being a clutter of the medieval. Also...if you're looking for "good housekeeping" forget it. I do the bare minimum since my wife passed away. I'm still having a very hard time being all alone.

Some of the knights I did were from stories and not real knights. I do plan to add more on my favorite: Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein. I have really dug into research and found out a lot more detail.

Sir John

Lord Dane:
Sir John,
Just a thought....
Any thoughts on Sir Robert Pembridge as a potential "Knight of the Week?" :) After all, he's inspired such a nice helmet that adorns my melon when fighting.


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