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Knight of the week

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Lord Dane:
Happy New Year's Sir John. Another good story. :)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's "Knight of the week": Ivanhoe - Ivanhoe is a fictional character based on a novel by Sir Walter Scott.

It's the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when English nobility was overwealmingly Norman, The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the 3rd crusade. Ivanhoe's father was Cedric of Rotherwood, who had disinherited his son for supporting Norman King Richard.

The story then moves to the scene of a tournament, which was presided over by King John. On the first day, Ivanhoe appears masked and calls himself "Desdichado" or disinherited one. He manages to defeat some of the best Norman knights and becomes champion of the tournament.  He is permitted to chose the queen of the tournament, and he picks the Lady Rowena, whom he loves.

On the second day is a "meleie and Ivanhoe is chosen to lead one of them.  Prince John again declares Ivanhoe the victor. At this point he is forced to identify himself to recieve his coronet. Cedric is astonished and refuses to have nothing to do with him. Maurice de Bracy is also infatuated with the Lady Rowena and plans to abduct her and she is taken to his castle. Lady Rowena refuses the advances of de Bracy.

Then follows the account of the storming of the castle by the "Black Knight" and the men of Robin of Loxley. De Bracy surrenders and the Black Knight identifies himself as King Richard, who had just returned from the Crusades. Cedric takes her from the castle, and they go to the nearest Templar Prectory. The Grand Master decides to subject Rebecca to a trial for witchcraft. She is found guilty. Meanwhile King Richard covinces Cedric reconcile with Ivanhoe who when hearing of Rowena's sentence of burning at the stake, rushes to her aide and after fighting de Bracy and winning for Rowena in a trial of combat to settle the matter, she is set free. King Richard banishes the Templars. Finally Ivanhoe and Rowena are married.

PS- only 2 more knights to go.

Sir William:
I saw the movie Ivanhoe (1982, starring James Mason, a young Sam Neill (Merlin)as de Bois-Guilbert, and a young John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) as de Boeuf) a long time ago and remembered it maybe ten years later and picked up the DVD.  Still good fun although now I realize the armor's probably of a wool/textile material and not steel.  Still the jousting and battle scenes are good fun and the acting's not so bad.

Nostalgia makes anything better, doesn't it?

Nice choice, Sir John!

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir William,

I have quite a lot of movies about knights and the medieval times...and I mean A LOT! If you come to my knighting, you can look at my movie list. Plus you'll get to see the one I lasts about 1 1/2 hours.

Sir John

Sir William:
I look forward to it, Sir John.


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