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Knight of the week

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thanks...I'm doing the best I can. I won't burden you with specifics....but thanks for your concern.

Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's Knight of the week: "Sir John Beauchamp" - Sir John was born around 1316 in Warwick Castle and was the younger son of Guy de Beauchamp, 10th Earl of Warwick. The "Hundred Years War" began in 1338 in which Sir John took part. He next participated under King Edward III in the battle of Vironfosse in 1339. In 1340 he fought in the battle of Sluys. In 1344 he was finally knighted and became and the 10th knight of "The Order of the Garter." Sir John carried the royal standard at the battle of Crecy in 1346 and was present at the battle and surrender of Calis, of which town he was appointed Captain in 1348. In the same year, he was provided by the King with a surcoat of Indian Silk. About the same time he was advanced to the degree pf Knight Bannerettte.

In 1350 he was summoned to Parliment as "Baron of Warwick" and held the post of "Constable" of the Tower of London. By the time of his death in 1360 he had acquired the manors of Frankley, Stratford, Tony and Newton in Worchestershire and the manor of Brockenhurst in Hampshire. He died without issue.

Sir James A:
Warwick is one of the few castles I've visited. They didn't even have that much history in the tour. Thank you, Sir John.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir James,
That's only part of my research. I usually do an 8x10 sheet including pictures, and put them in a book and also hang them on the wall. If you ever do come here, you'll see that my house is like a medieval museum.

Today's Knight of the Week: "Sir Paul von Liechtenstein" - Sir Paul was born around 1460. His mother was Fuchs von Fuchsberg. (I did one of a knight Fuchsberg...funny how they seem to all be related somewhere along the way.) In 1482 he entered the service to Archduke Sigismund and in 1489 he became Lord Chamberlain and Treasurer to the Emperor Maximillian I. In 1499 he recieved the fief of Castle Cornu and became a Baron. In 1505 he bought the manor Schenna bei Merano and he became the Lord of Merano. In 1505 he was awarded the Regency of Rattenberg, In the same year he recieved membership in the Order of the Golden Fleece and was knighted by the Kaiser. He died in 1513.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's knight of the week: "Heinrich Reuss von Plauen" - The Reuss family named all of their male shildren "Heinrich" in honor of Henry (Heinrich) VI, Holy Roman Emperor (1190-1197).  Little is known about this Heinrich's early life, or his date of birth. He first became Lord of Reuss-Plauen and then joined the Teutonic Knights at an early age. By 1420 he was the governor of Dirschau in Prussia. In 1433 he became Commander of the Teutonic Knights in Balga, and by 1440 Governor of Natangia. From 1441, Sir Heinrich held the position of Grand Hospitaller and the Commander of Elblag. He participated in the 13 year's wars (1454-1466). The last Eastern Prussian city held by the Polish was taken by Sir Heinrich in 1455. Sir Heinrich became famous for destroying the Polish army in the Battle of Konitz. After the second peace of Thorn in 1466, he became Commander of Prussian Holland. In 1467, after the death of his Uncle: Grand Master Ludwig von Erlichshausen, he assumed command of the Teutonic Order.  He was declared the 32nd Grand Master of the Order in 1469. In 1470, on his way back to Prussia, after paying homage to Casimir IV, he suffered a stroke and became paralyzed. He died shortly after that.


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