Main > The Round Table

Knight of the week

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Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-03-12, 04:24:29 ---Look up someone with Dysentary! Portray them!  ;D

But really, get well soon.

--- End quote ---

hahahah i thought that too but didnt say anything

I really couldn't resist  ;)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thank you all for your concern. I'm feeling better, but am going through a rough time right now...hard to explain.

Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Time for a little humor...
This week's Knight if the week: "The knights who say: 'Ni'" - HISTORY: The knights of Ni have been tortuing the people of England with their words for as long as anyone can remember... REQUIREMENTS: You must love shrubberies, Do not be afraid to say "Ni"; You cannot say the word "it" ...RULES: Do not say it backwards, Be nice to shrubberies, Payment is always a shrubbery commemorating another shrubbery, Do not associate with the knights who were formally Ni, Only cut down trees with herrings; Honor thy shrubbery.

Shrubberies are of great omportance to the knights who say Ni and they constantly seek the bush to gaze at. They have not yet found the holy relic, but they have come close. It has been speculated that the knights respect the shrubbery as it represents the most intimate contact in which a man came in contact with a bush.

The Knights who say 'Ni' was formed in 987. They are on a quest to find The Great and Almighty Shrubbery and consider this journey the meaning of their lives. After discovering the powerful uses of the word 'Ni', the Knights who say 'Ni' have used the sacred word to make people bring them shrubberies. The word 'Ni' when repeated 10 times in a row makes the listener explode! The knights of 'Ni' cannot say the word 'It', nor can they bear to hear the word. The knights are led by a man who is approximately 12 feet tall with disproportionately short arms and reindeer antlers inserted into his helmet. The other knights are of regular proportions and wear horns in their helmets.......comploments of Monty Python.

Sir James A:
That's a great one, Sir John. I never expected it.

Good luck in dealing with, and getting through, whatever is going on.


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