Yea, I ran into that problem as well, Sirs Edward and Wolf. I figured out that since it had its own url tags when you copy it from YT, you don't need the YT tags as well.
And a comment on the duel featuring James Barker- I think I may've said this before but I really can appreciate their bout for a number of reasons...there was some commentary on AA about technique or the lack thereof and it kind of pissed me off. These guys weren't actively trying to kill one another, it was an exhibition...that it ended up being a grappling match with pointies is a natural progression in my book. I've been in a few scrapes in my time and it almost always goes to the ground.
Why should it have been any different back then? I guess those AA guys were looking for something like the video Ed posted...which is a fine instructional video where you can tell they've practiced these moves with eachother at is well done, almost choreographed- but that happens when you're partnered with someone you're familiar with, you can almost anticipate what they'll do and vice versa.
I think if we put two unknowns together for a duel- that is, people who are not familiar with one another, then the result will be more like Barker's vid and not the one up top.
Just my 2 bits.