Main > The Round Table

My coat of arms

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Sir James A:
Sir John, no problem, we'll be able to stand or fit otherwise. If more than 3 make it I am sure someone can run the camera. I checked in with the person coordinating for the Philadephia Arts festival, and am waiting to hear back from them. I will update when I have any info.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I thought to myself, that usually when one gets knighted there should be a Patent of Knighthood. I did find one online so I used this as a starting point and came up with this one. I think it looks nice...even if noone else doesn't...I'd like mine signed by Sir the way, it's already signed by William Marshal himself! No joke...his signature is online and I downloaded it. Tell me what you think.

Sir John

Lord Dane:
Very nice design, Sir John. I think it is an appropriate addition to one's knighting. If anything, it's a reminder of your ceremony.

Sir James A:
I like it, Sir John

Joshua Santana:
Sir John:  I approve this patent and you have inspired me to do likewise!  Many thanks and when the time of my accolade comes, be prepared Brethren, it will be the cherry on top of the cake. ;)


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