Main > The Round Table

My coat of arms

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Yeah, I myself have all my Sponsorships (I also got the ceremony cleared by my Priest) so I can have it done in a church with a blessing and such.
what I'm waiting on is for me to get done my Teutonic Knight kit.
It's not something you rush into off the bat. I would recommend chatting on here for a while, get to know us.
Where did you get the evidence for the Knighthood thing? Is it period or a modern knighthood thing?

And yes, I didn't get myself sponsored until my 2nd real meeting with the guys here. (Although I do remember I harassed Sir Brian about his kit once before I had the privilege of meeting you guys!) 

Sir Edward:
Yep, we definitely want our system to be non-elitist, and open to all who share our enthusiasm for knights and armor. However what we don't want is for it to become one of those "free online knighthoods for everyone!" sort of things.

So by participating here on the forum, you're already doing the right thing. We all need to get to know each other. And as others have pointed out, it would help if we can get to meet you too.

Since the Order is only just getting off the ground, it's possible we're being a bit cautious just because we don't have an established flow yet. We've only knighted two people so far, and have only brought in a couple of new members since then. So we're still a bit new to the system ourselves. :)


Sir William:

L'Chaim! Mazel Tov!


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