I think you made a great choice, but I'm a little biased. The years 1300 to 1400 were witness to an explosion of armour development. Early in the century a mail hauberk, chausses, great helm and maybe some knee protection is all you need. By the end of the century you can very nearly have a full "white armour". I prefer the year 1350 which gives me a ton of leeway.
The houndskull bascinet is your best avatar to date!
Yeah, I just love this century for that very reason. You can mix and match, and find some happy spot anywhere along that continuum to choose for your kit.
And I really do like the mid to late 14th C armor a lot. Just really hate most of the helmets.
The bascinets had some versions that were OK, but I think a lot of them are awfully ugly, particularly the houndskull/bigfaces. I appreciate them historically, but just really don't like the look. Same of the klappvisors and the like aren't bad though. Personally I think the helms looked good toward the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th with the great helms and sugarloafs, and then starting looking really good again in the 15th C. But in the middle there, it's slimmer pickings for me.