Just wondering, how would someone who doesn't live in the DC area go about joining your order?
Distance isn't a problem at all. Well, to be accurate, it's a minor hindrance.

As I pointed out earlier, right now we're in the paradoxical situation of needing knights to bring in new members, but no one has been knighted yet. Once we get the first knightings done, then technically we'll be free to start bringing people in. I suppose if we wanted to induct some new initiates before then, we could, but we'd have to do so outside the rules as written.
The system is designed to require two sponsor knights for a new membership. So the intent is for the applicant to hang out with us and let us all get to know each other, then they can get a couple of knights to sponsor them to join. For more distant folks, the best thing is to participate here on the forum.
Since we haven't done the initial knightings, and it's taking longer than I planned, maybe we need to discuss bending the rules a little until we get them done.