Crowds were thin for the final two days. On the upside, I debuted my early 15th Century Hand Gonner kit to rave reviews. Kit is in it's early stages and still needs some adjustment, but I felt it was far enough along to show it off and see what some people thought of it. I think I should have the key areas of work fixed for next season, namely appropriate footwear for the early 1400s and some more period tweaks to the gonne. I saw a few people in armor and some other really nice kits. Best one was the Border Reiver I met, I got a pic with him at the Trayned Band camp (it's up on my FB page). He had a wheel lock musket, a really nice one too. I also met some guys doing 16th Century Polish reenacting who invited me to come out in my 16th century kit and play with them sometime. I also found a very nice gentleman selling a maille hauberk, coif and mittens for $100 that a freind of mine is going to buy. It's butted 16 guage, SCA combat grade that he can't use anymore because he has a bad back. His loss is my freinds gain. All in all it was a good weekend, sad to see Faire over but now I'll have time to get to work on my off season projects.