I’ve returned to my beloved, and considerably cooler, Nordskogen.
During each of the eight days of rattan fighting you could fit in four hours if you wished. I averaged 2 to 3 hours a day spending most of that time having a ton of fun with my 6 foot poleaxe.
Each day went something like:
Melee scenario A, best 2 of 3
Melee scenario B, best 2 of 3
Open field battle “unlimited resurrection” melee for as long as everyone could take it
Pick up fights and practice to kill some time
Individual tournament of a specific fighting style or honoring a specific group (water bearers, children, etc.)
Alas, I had to skip the last day of fighting as a severe case of “tennis elbow” was killing my right arm every time I swung my poleaxe. I was fortunate to avoid any major contact, ankle, or heat related injuries; walking away with only a few standard bruises and the bum elbow.
The combination of heat and humidity were brutal, as usual, in Missouri. Water breaks were frequent and heat related illnesses appeared to be minimal.
A member of my Company and some Calontir friends were snapping photos. I’ll try to track some down and post them here along with some stories (or the PG versions thereof).
Lord Rodney, I hope you have a great time and look forward to your answer to this question: Is it true, that the Calontiri fyrd does everything together?
Our mercenary unit has a 18+ year friendship with many Fyrdmen and I can attest that the balance of them, specifically the Golden Sea Marines, are unbalanced.
Seriously, they are some of the finest people to stand with on the field and I’m proud to call them friends.
Head to the Outlands camp and have a drink with my stag brothers...their camp is very hospitable....HRM Walrick is a good friend....tell lord Chagatai send you and give them my love!!!
I’m sorry I missed your post before leaving. The Outlands war party showed up in force and fought with honor for their Crown.