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                -- Joe Girard

Author Topic: Pennsic War XLII  (Read 6914 times)

Lord Dane

  • The Hound, Hunter, and Hammer of Justice
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Pennsic War XLII
« on: 2013-07-07, 06:07:49 »
Maybe some time in the near future, we can get the Order together for some medieval war games. :) Here's my usual plot of Pennsic highlighted on the map. I'm usually my Order's Land Agent. Always have a good piece of real estate even if I cannot attend. Might be a good plot for the Order of the Marshal someday.   
« Last Edit: 2013-07-07, 06:08:19 by Lord Dane »
"Fides, Honos, Prudentia, Sapiencia" (Faith, Honor, Prudence, Wisdom)
"Fiat justitia ruat caelum" (Let justice be done)