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Author Topic: Demonic  (Read 12649 times)

Sir Brian

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« on: 2013-03-30, 14:00:40 »
http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2013/feb/14/boy-allegedly-talked-of-revenge-after-arrest/ - Initial story back in February.

http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2013/mar/29/colville-boys-10-and-11-will-stand-trial-murder-co/ - Follow up story.

WOW, just wow! These little bastards are demonic plain and simple. I am against abortion as a general rule however these two little demons are strong candidates for ‘retroactive’ abortions.
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Re: Demonic
« Reply #1 on: 2013-03-30, 14:55:13 »
Sad.  I don't presume to know how these children were raised, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was in a world with little to no consequences for their actions since everyone from teachers to parents won't, don't, or simply can't discipline children anymore until they become little Adam Lanzas.
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Re: Demonic
« Reply #2 on: 2013-03-30, 15:04:10 »
i can't bring myself to click on the links.... :(

Sir James A

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #3 on: 2013-03-31, 00:43:40 »
I don't even know what to say without sounding like a raging lunatic... where's the "fury" icon??
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Sir Edward

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #4 on: 2013-03-31, 13:42:43 »
since everyone from teachers to parents won't, don't, or simply can't discipline children anymore until they become little Adam Lanzas.

For teachers, it's usually "can't". These days their hands are tied, and the parents get the final say. My wife tells me how they're not allowed to discipline the kids anymore, and in at least one particular case she's been instructed to "bribe" them instead (and refused). It's insane.

Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Lord Dane

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #5 on: 2013-03-31, 16:09:37 »
since everyone from teachers to parents won't, don't, or simply can't discipline children anymore until they become little Adam Lanzas.

For teachers, it's usually "can't". These days their hands are tied, and the parents get the final say. My wife tells me how they're not allowed to discipline the kids anymore, and in at least one particular case she's been instructed to "bribe" them instead (and refused). It's insane.

Simple solution...
* Private schools for those who want specific educational learning being offered at your own expense regardless of what type of education it is.
* Specialty schools for those disabled or impaired students to be covered by private health care insurance costs and premiums to the obligated care-provider specific to the care being rendered and services needed with certain public allocations permissible to off-set costs depending on the nature of the disability or impairment.

My dissection of Public schools (at taxpayer expense):
Mandatory K-12 attendance year round (NO exception)

* Charter schools for the over-achievers or those that excel (and care) about learning at no expense to American citizens with conditions to maintain your enrolled status.
* Military academy for the shining elite who seek 'career' military service at no expense to American citizens (NO admission to others) with conditions to maintain your enrolled status.
* Trade schools for those not really academically inclined but wish a technical or trade career with conditions to maintain your enrolled status.

For those who cannot meet and/or maintain any of the above:
* * Mandatory military boot camp and service for the underachievers or 'bad apples' (or expulsion, prison, and/or deportation) with conditions stipulated in order to earn and/or maintain U.S. citizenship and/or residency status

Unemployment line for those on the public payroll in the public educational system or otherwise that cannot maintain a performance standard established by their expected occupational guidelines.

As for the rules that bind hands: No need to worry because if you fail to live up to expectations, you will have NO say in where you go as it will be decided for you.

Just some thoughts.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-31, 16:45:28 by Lord Dane »
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Sir William

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #6 on: 2013-04-01, 12:06:32 »
since everyone from teachers to parents won't, don't, or simply can't discipline children anymore until they become little Adam Lanzas.

For teachers, it's usually "can't". These days their hands are tied, and the parents get the final say. My wife tells me how they're not allowed to discipline the kids anymore, and in at least one particular case she's been instructed to "bribe" them instead (and refused). It's insane.

Parents' hands are more or less tied as well.  Sure, a parent can buck the establishment, but depending on the type of discipline- which would be defined by someone else could end up with said parent under arrest. 

I'm not saying that disciplinary ass whuppings would've been the trick for these two little monsters, but it has been known to help in other cases.  Spare the rod, spoil the child indeed.

The thing I find most striking about these two boys, at least the 11 year old anyway, seem to be almost sociopathic in their responses.  Almost like they don't actually realize something is wrong with their plan, that it seemed perfectly logical.  What 11 year old can recognize that rape is about power and domination, not sex?  Where'd he get that from, I ask you?  There are questions that need answering...I have a feeling there's so much more to it than what we've been given so far.

Dane, your simple solutions have costly price tags...I'm not sure it is fair to saddle the taxpayer; the parents should be responsible for their problem child's education, not me.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Lord Dane

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #7 on: 2013-04-01, 14:01:39 »
LOL expensive huh?? I'm conservative. This stupid wasteful spending is going on NOW. What I propose gets something for it with intended consequence.  Holding people accountable for choices they make will save money by not investing in wasteful efforts or people. Public schooling is something we pay for anyway. Get your money's worth from it. Get rid of problem people and invest in those who produce for the better. I'm a product of a good public school system and private sector education. Both need to exist to thrive and compete to reap the benefit.   
« Last Edit: 2013-04-01, 14:17:23 by Lord Dane »
"Fides, Honos, Prudentia, Sapiencia" (Faith, Honor, Prudence, Wisdom)
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Sir William

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #8 on: 2013-04-01, 14:22:10 »
I must've missed the 'no expense' part- had to go back and re-read it.  In that case, it sounds good to me.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
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Sir James A

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #9 on: 2013-04-01, 17:25:47 »
The thing I find most striking about these two boys, at least the 11 year old anyway, seem to be almost sociopathic in their responses.  Almost like they don't actually realize something is wrong with their plan, that it seemed perfectly logical.  What 11 year old can recognize that rape is about power and domination, not sex?  Where'd he get that from, I ask you?  There are questions that need answering...I have a feeling there's so much more to it than what we've been given so far.

Agreed. And the concept of stabbing her to death, and shoot anyone who tries to save her? Absolutely heinous!
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Joshua Santana

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #10 on: 2013-04-01, 23:51:27 »
WOW, just wow! These little bastards are demonic plain and simple. I am against abortion as a general rule however these two little demons are strong candidates for ‘retroactive’ abortions.

Yep, blood is boiling white at this point. 
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Re: Demonic
« Reply #11 on: 2013-04-02, 06:11:34 »
Like my Uncle & ex-fiances ex-husband, some people are just evil. That these folks yet live is a black mark upon the world.
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Sir William

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #12 on: 2013-04-02, 14:51:33 »
It is terrifying that so deviant a personality should be so well-formed and distinct at such a young age.  What if he hadn't been caught out?  What if he'd managed to achieve adulthood?

Someone had to have taught him that rape is about power and dominance- someone who has done it before.  You and I may know of it intellectually, but it isn't something we've experienced...nor will we, as to do such a thing would be morally and physically abhorrent.  I want the guy who twisted that kid into the thing he is today.  He is directly responsible...kids are impressionable, they'll absorb whatever lessons are given them by an adult; if its one they respect and fear (and possibly love) then they'll swallow it whole- hook, line and sinker.  It is said that children under the age of 12 (or is it 14?) are unable to form a cogent line of thinking- I'm paraphrasing here- and as such, should never be tried as an adult.  I think this probably applies to most 12 year olds...but not this kid.  He knows what he's doing.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Sir James A

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #13 on: 2013-04-02, 15:39:44 »
It's also possible it's complete lack of any meaningful adult interaction, and they're allowed to run rampant on the internet without filters or blocking and they've looked at people who did the same thing before, or even posted asking for ideas/plans. And then, who knows what they present themselves as online, or who responds (and what age they are, or where they even live - could be an entirely different country just trying to unleash chaos on us - tinfoil hat speak, but not impossible or even difficult).
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Sir Edward

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Re: Demonic
« Reply #14 on: 2013-04-02, 16:11:54 »

I finally read the articles. Boy, that makes your stomach turn.

The articles tell us nothing about their families, whether they're immigrants, inner city, well-to-do, or whatever. Who knows what sort of upbringing they may have had? I'd be curious to see how the court case proceeds. Clearly everyone involved considers them dangerous.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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