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Author Topic: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"  (Read 25348 times)

Sir Wolf

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #15 on: 2012-06-10, 23:36:58 »
sgian-dubh is the name for the small daggers, dirk is the large dagger

Sir James A

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #16 on: 2012-06-11, 19:42:24 »
I think I mentioned that I'm basing Sir Palidor on Paladin

I did see this and got mixed up, thinking you meant our own Paladin (Sir William).

sgian-dubh is the name for the small daggers, dirk is the large dagger

Yep, sgian-dubh is the small tapered dagger, specifically scottish.
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Sir John of Felsenbau

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #17 on: 2012-06-16, 13:45:52 »
The scots had a celtic name for the dirk...similar to the first one you mentioned. It meant under the arm, or something like that.

Sir John
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Sir Wolf

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #18 on: 2012-06-16, 14:16:00 »
as far as i know it's always been a dirk. i'll do some digging.

Sir Wolf

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #19 on: 2012-06-16, 14:17:33 »
"Highland dirk", Scottish Gaelic: Biodag. but that is 1700s. dirks go back as far as 1600s so not very medieval.

Sir John of Felsenbau

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #20 on: 2012-06-16, 15:04:57 »
I have the two names at work, but don't think I have them here at home. I found online...the one under the arm pit is called: "sgian-achlais" and the other is called: "sgian-dubh"

Sir John
-The Purple Knight-
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Sir Wolf

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #21 on: 2012-06-16, 19:27:46 »
ok ya i see what you got there. cool. it's not long like a dirk. its like a kitchen knife size. while a dirk can have a 10-14 inch blade. :)

Sir John of Felsenbau

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #22 on: 2012-06-17, 14:40:34 »
yea...not that big.

Sir John
-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
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Sir John of Felsenbau

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #23 on: 2012-07-04, 12:52:29 »
I finished the outfits for all the characters, so I thought I'd post them here with an explaination of each.

1. Sir Palidor at the Carelton Hotel. (Paladin always dressed fancy at the hotel; so will Sir Palidor.)

2. Like Paladin, he will be reading a paper (haven't taken a pic yet) and playing chess. I got the Harry Potter chess set    and re did it for crusader knights. (By the way...initially there was NO queen...the piece was commander of thye army or the Noble's advisor. The King initially was the Emperor, then was changed to a general. Most of today's pieces have changed a lot since chess was first invented in India)

3. At the Carelton I have the Squire Godfrey Chaucer as the servant there. The main outfit is of the Carelton, but Chaucer's coa are on his belt buckle.

4. Now we skip to Roxburgh...First here is the "Ogre" (you'll notice he has two swords which will hang over his back, plus a large hunting knife.)....continued on the next post.....
« Last Edit: 2012-07-04, 13:44:09 by Sir John of Felsenbau »
-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
Mea Philosophia:
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Sir John of Felsenbau

  • Sir John of Felsenbau (Ritter Johann von Felsenbau)
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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #24 on: 2012-07-04, 13:06:21 »
Next we come to the two knights of Roxburgh...one is bad and one us good...I have chosen names and soas to reflect this.

1. Sir Iestyn – Pronounced: Justin (The good knight) his name in Welsh means: Fair & Just (His coat of arms are of a dog...faithful and alert)

2. Sir Fachnan - (the bad knight) his name in Gaelic means: Hostile & Malicious (His coat of arms are of a snake...sneaky...victious...ready to bute and kill)
-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
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Joshua Santana

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #25 on: 2012-07-04, 23:29:50 »
Excellent Kits and Heraldry!  Well done Sir John, cannot wait to see those Kits come alive.
Knight of The Lion Blade

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Sir John of Felsenbau

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #26 on: 2012-07-07, 13:32:44 »
I have a few more props to post....the calling card of Sir Palidor, the coa of the Carelton Hotel and that "newspaper" I made. (continued on the next post.)

Sir John
-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
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Sir John of Felsenbau

  • Sir John of Felsenbau (Ritter Johann von Felsenbau)
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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #27 on: 2012-07-07, 13:35:20 »
The "Newspaper"...I still can't remember the term they used for it. It was hand written and drawn on parchment (thined animal skin)

Sir John
-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
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Joshua Santana

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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #28 on: 2012-07-09, 19:09:29 »
Impressive Sir John!  Keep up the good work!
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

Honor My Sword, Truth My Shield.

Sir John of Felsenbau

  • Sir John of Felsenbau (Ritter Johann von Felsenbau)
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Re: "The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"
« Reply #29 on: 2012-07-21, 15:02:52 »
I had a little extra time, so I thought I'd post some of the screenplay I've written. I may change it when I do a revision, or if anyone has suggestions. This is only the first part of the screenplay, I'll post the rest vlater.

ACT 1:
   SCENE 1: Map of Roxburgh
   SCENE 2: Shot of outside of Roxburgh Manor at night
   SCENE 3: Inside Roxburgh Manor, Sir Iestyn at the table. Sir Fachnan enters and speaks:

Sir Fachnan: Another sheep has been killed.

Sir Iestyn: I guess we better have a look.

The knights get up and leave.


ACT 2:

SCENE 1: Map of Sunlaws Cave
SCENE 2: (Two knights with lantern on a trail)

Sir Fachnan: There, you can see the drag marks.

(The two knights follow the path and come upon a dead sheep. As they walk up to it, the Ogre jumps out and draws his swords…the two knights draw their swords and a fight ensues…the ogre throws a hunting knife at one, pinning his Surcoat to a tree. Then he disarms the other knight. When the first knight gets loose, he also is disarmed and the two knights leave.)
NOTE: “Ride of the Valkyries” during the fight


ACT 3:
   SCENE 1: Map of Scotland with super imposed words:

                    1369....Edinburgh, Scotland

   SCENE 2: Shot of outside of the Carleton Hotel
   SCENE 3: Inside the Hotel, Sir Palidor at a table in his Kilt, etc., drinking ale, reading the Carlton Chronicle and chess board on the table. (Scottish music playing)

   Squire Geoffrey enters with a message and says:

Squire Geoffrey: This just arrived for you by Courier, Sir Palidor.

Sir Palidor: Thank you Squire Geoffrey…
                      (Sir Palidor gives the Squire a coin.)
…. By the way, it’s your turn.
                      (Points at chessboard)
Squire Geoffrey makes a move and says: Check Mate.

Sir Palidor (looking at Squire): I cannot for the life of me figure out how you manage to always beat me!

Squire Geoffrey: Just luck I guess Sir Palidor.

Sir Palidor (looking at paper): It says here that war has broken out again between England and France. I guess you’ll be leaving soon.

Squire Geoffrey: Yes within a week I’ll be joining the forces of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster.

Sir Palidor: Well, here’s a little extra…buy some strong armor and come back safely.

             (Sir Palidor gives the Squire a few more coins)

Squire Geoffrey: Thank you…you are too generous.

Sir Palidor: Now let’s see what this message says…

Palidor opens and reads the letter out loud: “Sir Palidor, There has been a hideous Ogre that has been killing our sheep and terrorizing the people of Roxburgh. We wish to hire you to destroy it before someone in the town is killed. We have tried, but with no luck. Sir Iestyn of Roxburgh.”

Squire Geoffrey: Will you be leaving now?

Sir Palidor: No…it’s getting dark. It can wait until morning.”

The Squire leaves and Palidor continues to drink and read his paper.

-The Purple Knight-
Mea Motto:  "Perseverantis Vincit Omnia"
Mea Philosophia:
      "Excessus in Moderstia"
      "Crescit Senex est Manditory, Excrescendi est Voluntarium"