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Author Topic: Gambesons from MATULS  (Read 25420 times)

Sir William

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #45 on: 2012-05-18, 15:21:02 »
Only problem is my coif and hauberk dont match so it would look a bit odd. but I still am wearing it under the hauberk as I have no surcoat that fits me at the moment. Need to resize the templar one I currently have but I have been unable to find a tailor for it. Going to that faire this weekend so it's a bit too late to resize it right now, but the weather is supposed to be good for the medieval faire so it doesnt matter really. Prolly gonna wear my hauberk with my new shield a coif and kettle helm. Hopefully the coif will fit under the kettle helm. I'll take some pics when I go it down tomorrow.

If you don't mind the looks, you can actually get your surcoat tailored at most dry cleaners that have a seamstress on the premises.  You'll just need to wear your arming clothes and mail so they can take the required measurements over all of that.  As for the coif and hauberk not matching- that would not have been unusual I don't think, at least, not for poorer knights.  If you were landed gentry then you'd be expected to have a tailor-made hauberk w/coif and chausses. 

You're off to a good start, I wouldn't let something small like that to deter you from going forward.  You can always replace that coif at a later date for one that is more in line w/your hauberk but it isn't a show stopper, if you know what I mean.

Also, you could always go in just the hauberk and coif and your arming wear underneath w/out the surcoat- then your portrayal would be that of a 11th or 12th Century man-at-arms, the shield will just add to it.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.”

Joshua Santana

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #46 on: 2012-05-18, 15:54:35 »
If you don't mind the looks, you can actually get your surcoat tailored at most dry cleaners that have a seamstress on the premises.  You'll just need to wear your arming clothes and mail so they can take the required measurements over all of that.  As for the coif and hauberk not matching- that would not have been unusual I don't think, at least, not for poorer knights.  If you were landed gentry then you'd be expected to have a tailor-made hauberk w/coif and chausses.

You're off to a good start, I wouldn't let something small like that to deter you from going forward.  You can always replace that coif at a later date for one that is more in line w/your hauberk but it isn't a show stopper, if you know what I mean.

Also, you could always go in just the hauberk and coif and your arming wear underneath w/out the surcoat- then your portrayal would be that of a 11th or 12th Century man-at-arms, the shield will just add to it.

Yep.  ;)
Knight of The Lion Blade

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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #47 on: 2012-05-19, 02:19:04 »
Guess I'll go as a 12th century poorer man at arms or knight then who looted his hauberk and coif from the dead. Still gonna go with my new shield because it's way too nice to not bring and I cant stand the feel of the older one. Could easily do that actually cause my weapons and helm are quite outdated for the 13th century. I will have pics of my outfit up soon as I want to wear it first to see if it's comfortable enough for the faire.

Joshua Santana

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #48 on: 2012-05-19, 14:20:13 »
Guess I'll go as a 12th century poorer man at arms or knight then who looted his hauberk and coif from the dead. Still gonna go with my new shield because it's way too nice to not bring and I cant stand the feel of the older one. Could easily do that actually cause my weapons and helm are quite outdated for the 13th century. I will have pics of my outfit up soon as I want to wear it first to see if it's comfortable enough for the faire.

Good luck Sir Ulrich.
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #49 on: 2012-05-20, 16:20:49 »
Still was unable to get it on myself, I cant get my arms in the sleeves that easily and it doesnt stretch that easily due to that. Maybe it's a size too small for me, if thats the case I been considering selling it and exchanging it for a larger size. But then it would weigh more ugh and I dont need extra weight. My chest size is like 34 and the chest size for this maille is 40 so I think I am pretty much fine.

Joshua Santana

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #50 on: 2012-05-22, 14:44:40 »
Still was unable to get it on myself, I cant get my arms in the sleeves that easily and it doesnt stretch that easily due to that. Maybe it's a size too small for me, if thats the case I been considering selling it and exchanging it for a larger size. But then it would weigh more ugh and I dont need extra weight. My chest size is like 34 and the chest size for this maille is 40 so I think I am pretty much fine.

Keep practicing Sir Ulrich, you will get the hang of it.  ;)
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir William

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #51 on: 2012-05-22, 16:02:24 »
Ulrich, if its made for a 40 you should be ok, provided you're not wearing a Michelin man style gambeson- that is, an overstuffed one.  Mind you, it is most likely the weight of it that is giving you trouble...keep at it, keep handling it- you might even make a workout of it, putting it on, taking it off- do that ten times and see how you feel.  Then you can add 'reps' to that.  It is a lot harder than lifting hand weights because it'll flop and fold over if you're not paying attention, but it makes for a good workout nonetheless.  You will get the hang of it eventually, no pun intended.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.”

Joshua Santana

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #52 on: 2012-05-23, 15:57:23 »
Ulrich, if its made for a 40 you should be ok, provided you're not wearing a Michelin man style gambeson- that is, an overstuffed one.  Mind you, it is most likely the weight of it that is giving you trouble...keep at it, keep handling it- you might even make a workout of it, putting it on, taking it off- do that ten times and see how you feel.  Then you can add 'reps' to that.  It is a lot harder than lifting hand weights because it'll flop and fold over if you're not paying attention, but it makes for a good workout nonetheless.  You will get the hang of it eventually, no pun intended.

I agree on this one.
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir William

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #53 on: 2012-05-24, 17:10:33 »
And Ulrich, should you decide to get rid of it, let me know!
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.”

Sir James A

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Re: Gambesons from MATULS
« Reply #54 on: 2012-05-25, 01:01:59 »
Still was unable to get it on myself, I cant get my arms in the sleeves that easily and it doesnt stretch that easily due to that. Maybe it's a size too small for me, if thats the case I been considering selling it and exchanging it for a larger size. But then it would weigh more ugh and I dont need extra weight. My chest size is like 34 and the chest size for this maille is 40 so I think I am pretty much fine.

You might need to add some triangular gussets at the armpits. It'll give you more flex to get your arms in, and tapered properly, won't give you the bingo wings, either. Cut out a short line of rings, roughly twice as long on the arms as on the body, then try to put the shirt on. If you can, add the gussets / gores accordingly. Just remember it's going to be a contracting mail pattern, not the standard 4 in 1. It sounds harder than it is. And if cutting open the line of rings doesn't work and you still can't get it on, just rivet it back closed.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent