So this thread is to nominate folks who should be one here but aren't.
For the first such I would like to name Michael of the Shire known as Miach, squire to Viscount Sir Gunther Barensjager:
Miach is just one of the coolest dudes I know. Mundanely he is a MD but he doesn't talk about it lest you ask him. He comes across as quiet, humble, and just plain nice. The first time I met him he offered me food fit to be served in a fine restaurant that he had prepared in camp that he thought of as "not that special", and since he has fed me no less than three times in such a manner (he even made me like banana bread pudding and I generally do not like it). Even Prince's and King's ask that he cook for them and feel grateful in the receiving.
Every time I have seen him on the field or helping out he is always smiling and giving the good word. His wife, Scathach, adores him and is also just one of the coolest folks you could know. His
awards list is impressive as well his fighting, having come in second in the Cynaguan Fall Coronet Tourney held just last October.
Thus do I nominate Michael of the Shire to this order though I am unsure of how to contact him.