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Author Topic: Black Death, the 2010 Film  (Read 16806 times)

Sir Brian

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #15 on: 2011-07-12, 18:31:02 »
Maybe you misheard them when they meant to say cannons?  ;)
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Sir Wolf

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #16 on: 2011-07-12, 20:01:09 »
nope they said longbows, cause they said the French couldn't reach them.

it was ok for what it was. no historical accuracy at all but mindless entertainment :) all things come full circle so it shows. always shows how evil can have its hold over the weak minded or even show the sins of the believer.

it did seem like it was more of a made for TV movie or a Sci Fi movie than one for film in theaters.

Sir William

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #17 on: 2011-07-12, 20:21:32 »
Probably because it was an indie flick and not a big budget Hollywood mishmash.  So none of the costumes, armor or weapons was in-period?  I thought otherwise but I've still got a lot to learn so...

As for the longbow comment, I missed that but it wouldn't be that out of place...how many people currently know what 'Waterloo' means or how it is significant?  That sort of martial ignorance I would take to be quite applicable...imho.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #18 on: 2011-08-11, 00:23:30 »
Black Death review (the currently unpublisized version)

It was an interesting film. I thought it was trying to deliver a message that religions were like plagues, and best to be avoided by isolation. There was a strong anti Catholic feeling in it, much like Ridley Scott’s film. The attempt to display how pain or the threat of can change anyone’s belief was interesting, but wouldn’t support the Warrior Monks’ sacrifice at Hattin in 1187.

The story takes place after the demise of the Templar Order, and the lead character sports items hinting he’s a member of a powerful Order (by his cape maybe a Hospitaller, but more likely a Dominican: they did have a militant arm at one time) as attested by the difference of the Abby to his presence.

During this time, under Pope Gregory XI, Hospitallers and Dominicans were used to promote the inquisitorial pursuit of heretics in Europe. (see: The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571: The thirteenth and fourteenth centuries By Kenneth Meyer Setton, or Gregory XI bio)

So maybe he was…..all I know is, if my horse were stolen, there’d be a lot of local villages pretending to be large piles of kindling!

The young monk follows the reverse route of experience than Brother Cadfael. It was asking too much of him to make those vows, and the “enemy” plays on that fact. On the other hand you have Brother Ulrich’s character; hardened by life’s events, and he chooses a path much like some of the historical Warrior Monks did. (loss of family, a chance to exercise your skills/trade in the pursuit of an idea larger than one’s self)

Some of the events led me to say that if you make an example in a harsh way with someone, you quiet possibly harden the resolve of those you’re trying to “win” over. (See the Knights in the cage, or the young monk, who ended up displaying just this line of thinking)

It was a “No Brainer” that they’d kill any knight who turned faiths, because to set him free, was to risk retaliation when he returned with a larger army. It was also to prove to the young monk, that even the strongest would break, to save their skins, and that faith had no deep found roots.

Seeing the young monk give up the cloth, so to speak, and live a life of violence is not exactly the same as what Ulrich did. Ulrich was a trained soldier from the beginning, plying his skills in the cause of the faith. The monk/turned warrior, learned violence to exact revenge for what occurred years before. Although in pursuit of the aims of the Church, his was motivated by revenge, and not piety.

All in all I liked the movie.

Sir Brian

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #19 on: 2011-08-14, 10:01:06 »
Excellent review and very well expressed. I readily agree with your perspective of the film! Well done!  :)
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Frater de Beaumanoir

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #20 on: 2011-08-14, 13:24:20 »
Thank you Sir Brian for your kind appraisal. For those that don't know who Brother Cadfael is, this is a former crusader turned CSI monk in a BBC series. It's fairly good viewing, and beats any reality TV show currently forced in your faces, except for maybe WIPEOUT.  ;) :P


Sir Wolf

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #21 on: 2011-08-14, 16:37:44 »
hahaah wipe-out, my son and i watch that all the time.

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #22 on: 2011-08-15, 14:25:56 »

We watched an episode of Cadfael and liked it, so I bought the DVD set. Now we just need to find some time to sit down and watch them all. Probably when we're done with Game of Thrones. :)

Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Wolf

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #23 on: 2011-08-15, 20:48:04 »

Sir William

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #24 on: 2011-08-24, 15:33:50 »
Game of Thrones is epic...and I love/hate the books.  Love them for the incredible tale it weaves, the engaging and sympathetic characters (and villains), the mythology behind the story is detailed, and interesting in and of itself...but I really hate how some of my favorite characters turned out.  I'll leave it at that.

The HBO series is going to focus on one book per season so for now, we have 4 more seasons to look forward to.  I'm currently re-reading the series, now I'm on Book IV.  Great read, if any of you have the time.
« Last Edit: 2011-08-24, 16:52:38 by Syr William »
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
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Sir Brian

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #25 on: 2011-08-24, 16:44:08 »
Do the books have as much inane gratuitous sex as the series?  :-\
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Sir William

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Re: Black Death, the 2010 Film
« Reply #26 on: 2011-08-24, 16:57:33 »
I'd say yes...but it is more evenly spaced in the books...because the books themselves are rather lengthy, the 'love' scenes, such as they are, tend to be more like footnotes.  The author is more circumspect w/regard to coitus, leaving most of it to the reader's imagination, unlike the show which visualizes it for you. 

It is funny you should mention it...what drew me to the show was  that they were unafraid, unabashed to show that sort of thing.  I've always found it odd in books and movies when they attempt to leave that out.  For me, that takes away from the whole suspension of belief phenomenon; some movies there's no need for it, but when you're developing an all-encompassing story with human characters, it makes it more believable if they're more like regular people and not gods, per se.  They get it right for the most part I'd say.  ;)
« Last Edit: 2011-08-24, 16:58:30 by Syr William »
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.”