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Bill's Harness

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Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---Is Drew in MD from "Parts and Technical"?

--- End quote ---

If it is Parts and Technical, I saw when they posted them over on the AA and they looked pretty nice, especially for four piece welded construction.

--- Quote --- I'm not exactly sure what Allan did (he explained it, but I didn't know all the armoring terms, so I just smiled and nodded), but they function just fine now.
--- End quote ---

Essentially the articulation had to be totally reworked. As near as I can tell they just seemingly randomly layed down the articulating holes rather than having them be deliberately located so there was a lack of movement in both directions ( hyper extension and full kneeling ). Each plate was, slot filed so that each rivet had the ability to compress a bit, as well as making the slot somewhat wide to allow for better plate movement and also loose riveting the plates together. I tried each trick individually in hopes that one would do the trick but the hole location is so poor that all three had to be used to get them to move properly. Additionally the method of installing the wrap plate made them nearly useless as depite appearences there was almost no ability to actually " wrap " them for different sized people. The wrap plates had to have the excess material cut away where the lapped inside the cuisse and them be re riveted to thier hinges.  As Bill mentioned, it is due purely to his height that the tops of the cuisses worked for him. If he were shorter they would have needed to be reworked as well to how they should have been made to begin with ( slot riveted articulation on the outside of the thigh, two sets of leather compression articulation, one at the middle of the plates and one on the inside of the leg ).

I've also reworked the MRL Gothic B&B plates for one of Christian Toblers guys. This is really not a bad piece after the work is done as the details, much like on the legs are nicely done doing a decent job of conveying the feel of the style. The breats plate is two wide for most folks ( you cannot bring your arms together in front of you ). I had to cut away the large triangular edge rolls ( which really aren't. they're welded on ) and install guessets and do what I had to do to Ed's breast plate, cut away the fixed riveteing of the top and bottom half, slot rivet in the center and turn it into a true two piece breast plate ( the GDFB two piece breast plate I see around alot sufferes from this same problem, its hard riveted together instead of being truely two piece moving so restricts fit based on height got alot of folks ). Christian had already installed articulating leathers on the faulds of the fron and back as when he was tweeking the curvature for fit, they got to a point where they slide past each other, so this probably isn't a bad idea to do to this set in general.

Bill had the MRL gothic gauntlest at one point. As I recall he contacted Pete about them ( they of course don't work right ) and after having alook I think Pete concluded that the main problem was that windlass had simply opted to leave one of the plates of his original design out so there was no way to make them work right at all without that plate. Bill probably remembers better then me as he had the actualy exchange, I just recall reading his post about in on myarmoury.


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