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Iron clad trailer

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Sir William:
Sir Edward, what'd you think of it?  My copy just came in the mail yesterday...but I've already seen it.  Will watch it again over the weekend.

Sir Edward:
Black Death? It was OK. I enjoyed it. Because it was labeled "Chilling Gothic Horror" on the back of the package, I had made a point of pre-screening it before showing my wife-to-be.

In many ways it was just a typical medieval-style film. A band of soldiers and/or adventurers gather up on a quest and/or mission, have a few bumps in the road along the way, until they end up in an intractable situation.

It never struck me as a "gothic horror" in any way, except that toward the end it does take a much darker tone than other films of this type. And while it has action scenes, it doesn't rely on them like other similar films. So it was familiar and yet somewhat different too. I think it made for a good story, but at the same time it's not a movie I'll watch to cheer me up, either. :)

Sir William:
No, definitely not cheery...but I liked it nonetheless, maybe because it didn't have the usual Hollywood happy ending.  Not everything in life turns out well, that was the message I took away with me.

Sir Wolf:
a review here:

Sir William:
Not a bad review, and about what I'd expected from the movie itself.  It just arrived yesterday so I'll be screening it sometime this weekend no doubt.


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