"War is at first like a beautiful girl with whom all men long to play, but in the end like a repulsive hag whose suitors all weep and ache."
                -- Samuel Hanagid (993-1056)

Author Topic: The Mysterious Sir Joshua Santana is here!  (Read 19667 times)

Sir Rodney

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Re: The Mysterious Sir Joshua Santana is here!
« Reply #15 on: 2011-04-02, 04:07:55 »
Welcome and Well Met!

I very much look forward to seeing your kit develop. :)

As a knight for hire, I understand your desire for a full gothic style kit as this is what the general public thinks of when they hear the word Knight.
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber

Sir Gerard de Rodes

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Re: The Mysterious Sir Joshua Santana is here!
« Reply #16 on: 2011-04-02, 17:40:38 »
Welcome Sir Joshua.

"War is at first like a beautiful girl with whom all men long to play,but in the end like a repulsive hag whose suitors all weep and ache" Samuel Hanagid (993-1056)


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Re: The Mysterious Sir Joshua Santana is here!
« Reply #17 on: 2011-04-02, 20:12:14 »
Welcome Sir Joshua!

The Gothic look is very classic good choice. I made my current kits both for late 15th century. (halberdier and man-at-arms)
"The maximum use of force is in no way incompatible with the simultaneous use of the intellect." -Carl Von Clausewitz
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Joshua Santana

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Re: The Mysterious Sir Joshua Santana is here!
« Reply #18 on: 2011-04-04, 00:43:44 »
I thank all of you brothers in arms!  I am honored with your support!

Sir James:  You make a good point and that is what I found out during my research concerning 14th Century Harnesses.

Sir Ulrich:  I am also glad you have noticed this thread!  I am also glad to finally make it hear.

Sir Rodney:  Thank you so much!  I thought the same thing when I chosen the gothic harness for my harness as a knight for hire.  I intend to wear other types of harnesses within different knightly functions, but that is for another day.

Sir Nathan:  Thank you!  I have seen both kits and they are beauties for sure! (courtesy of Mercenary Tailor of course)
Knight of The Lion Blade

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