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Author Topic: Audio Books for the road  (Read 9545 times)

Sir Brian

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Audio Books for the road
« on: 2008-04-08, 19:09:00 »
Something my wife and I enjoy is listening to audio books as we travel.
This coming weekend we'll listen to this excellent classic:

Elric was perhaps my most favorite literary hero/anti-hero. I have been a fan of the author
since my early teens, although I admit I couldn't get into his Hawkmoon character back then
but maybe I should give them another go.

Apparently the Elric Saga is being resurrected and I read somewhere on the net quite
recently that Michael Moorcock has sold the movie rights of the Elric Saga to Universal
...does this mean what I hope it means?  :o

Apparently it DOES mean what I hoped it meant!
« Last Edit: 2008-04-09, 15:01:54 by Sir Brian »
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Sir Edward

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Re: Audio Books for the road
« Reply #1 on: 2008-04-10, 21:04:04 »

That really is a good idea. We haven't started grabbing audio books for the long trips yet; usually just listening to music. But it's a thought we've entertained! :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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