Main > The Courtyard
The consequences of a poorly executed Unterhau!
Sir Wolf:
HAH! eheheheheh
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-01-19, 22:03:08 ---
Yeah, I really try hard to break myself of the habit of going for the opening if it means ignoring his blade, or not sufficiently defending from it. I think it's a bit over-committed if you're risking losing your hand whether your shot hits or misses. :) But yeah, I do that sort of thing all the time.
What type of sword trainers were you guys using? The plastic wasters?
--- End quote ---
I claim the over exuberance of being a novice! I should settle down more when I become more comfortable with the appropriate defenses and counter-attacks. We are using steel and aluminum wasters for our free bouts. Paul Wiedorn is making me an aluminum waster so I can interchange swords as needed depending on who I'm drilling or fighting with.
Hey cool! I just noticed Larry Tom added me to the roster. - He doesn't know I should be on the disabled/injured list! :D
Sir Edward:
Ah cool. Yeah, steel/aluminum can be a bit unforgiving when it hits unpadded fingers. :) But I think overall it's pretty safe, as long as people are reasonably controlled. I certainly like it. That thumb hit I took at WMAW that cost me my thumbnail was in steel free play.
The polymer swords are starting to catch on a bit. The tournament at Longpoint is using them, though I saw in the rules that they're providing the weapons. I wonder which ones they're using.
Sir Brian:
btw, how are the wasters you can get @ MDRF? Are the adequate? ???
Sir William:
That's not your sword hand, Brother- you can still carry and wield a sword. :)
Glad that's all that happened!
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