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Ferocity, meekness, and chivalry in the modern world.

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Sword Chick:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-04-04, 10:31:27 ---
Has anyone here ever read "The Necessity of Chivalry" by C.S. Lewis?

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Does anyone have a copy I can borrow or know where I can get one? 

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sword Chick on 2008-06-20, 14:11:31 ---
--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-04-04, 10:31:27 ---
Has anyone here ever read "The Necessity of Chivalry" by C.S. Lewis?

--- End quote ---

Does anyone have a copy I can borrow or know where I can get one? 

--- End quote ---

Is it part of an anthology or something? I found a thread on myArmoury from several years ago discussing it:

Sir Edward:
It looks like it's part of CS Lewis's "Present Concerns", of which there are some used copies on Amazon: Present-Concerns-C-S-Lewis, however there are 10 copies of a paperback on ebay here:

..  ok, make that 9 copies. :)

Sir Edward:

My copy of the book got here, and I had a chance to read the essay last night. I'll probably have more thoughts later but I wanted to quickly write here.

What a great essay! He made some very interesting points about how "sternness" (ferocity) is naturally opposed to meekness (which of course, in this context, means unaggressive or socially polite or passive). He talks about how people must be trained to have both qualities, as they'll generally gravitate towards one or the other. Combining them, he says, is more like a work of art than a work of nature. He discusses the examples of societies that historically were obliterated by invading barbarians, who themselves settled down and became meek, only to be invaded and destroyed by some other set of barbarians later.

He mentions wartime heroes who have no place in society during peace, and others who have no means to defend themselves.

I'm not aware of any online copies of the essay, which is a shame since I'd love to just post a link here.

Sir Edward:

If anyone else is interested in reading this and can't find a copy, if you click on the "Search inside" link on the left side on Amazon's page, you can read it there:


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