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Author Topic: Knightriders quote  (Read 16495 times)

Sir James A

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Re: Knightriders quote
« Reply #15 on: 2011-01-20, 22:54:16 »
I received a private message from him the next day after I de-friended him. He was trying to clarify his position and say that intent and tone get lost in the text sometimes. The thing is, he was still trying to say he thinks these guys need to step back and realize where the line is between reality and fanciful romanticism. I think we got that from the main thread. :)

Anyway, I still haven't replied. I still found the whole thing very disrespectful.

I received one as well, as I took to PMs on FB to let the postings die off quietly so we could move on. I think he still doesn't know why his comments were not well received.

"I was simply trying to amicably remind ... that knights dont exist anymore...and that any association should not be taken too seriously. Ergo pretend." and "what would have been a passing comment in real life....(lost in electronic translation) became a much bigger can of worms."

It wasn't stated very amicably, and probably would not have been a "passing comment" face to face, either. I don't think he thought much about the company in which he made the comment ... especially based on his past actions. I'm at a loss of what to say to him.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Sir William

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Re: Knightriders quote
« Reply #16 on: 2011-01-21, 16:54:32 »
Bollocks, if ever I'd heard it before.  There was nothing amicable in his stance...a simple reminder?  It was meant as a barb and it was taken correctly...by the by, Knights in fact still exist, just not in armor.  There are a number of contemporary knightly Orders, not to mention Templars - which were granted a charter in 1979.  The classification of Knight is still a position of honor in these Orders.

But let's be anal like him and assume he's referring to medieval knights; then my question to him would be- whose intellect was he looking to belittle?  Only a fool would not know that.  And seeing as this fool has pictures and videos of himself in armor, one can only interpret that to mean that he was pretending to be something he wasn't.  Something none of us here are guilty of perpetrating.
« Last Edit: 2011-01-21, 16:55:44 by Sir William »
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Knightriders quote
« Reply #17 on: 2011-04-07, 17:58:16 »
Maybe late, but I was the Knight who did say "Faith, Heart and Steel.  That is how we persevere"

Out of Honor, I didn't appreciate what andrew young was saying, he sounds the the person who says "Chivalry and Knighthood" was a phony back then and it's still a phony code today"

This ticked me off to the point where I could have messaged him saying "no you are wrong about modern Chivalry and Knighthood, it based on history and advanced with the restorative viewpoint!"

Lady Dargny messaged me advising me to let it go and leave him to his folly.  I did so and that is where I messaged all of you to stop before all of you loose it.  But I am thankful that I passed a hidden test, controlling my temper and listening to the council of older Knights with more experience.  I was glad to see Sir Blackwolf commend me on my accountability.  I still remember his advice saying that teher will be more tests like this one, be prepared and don't let go of your convictions.

So, there you have it!
Knight of The Lion Blade

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