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The Fight Book (National Geographic)

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Sir William:
Sir Edward- someone, somewhere would go home and tell his friends he met someone who used dinner plates for armor.  I swear it.  lol

Sir Patrick:
I was disappointed overall with the program.  It seemed more like an episode of "Ancient Discoveries" than anything else.  I liked the fighting sequences, but felt there weren't enough.  Bummer to hear they shot a lot more and didn't use them.

Sir William:
I'll have to see if I can get this on OnDemand.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-01-19, 21:57:04 ---I wasn't happy with the "crayfish" segment at all. I think it was entirely speculation. Not to mention, what they were suggesting for use in a castle gateway would require alterations that I don't think anyone has ever recorded finding in historic castles. There's so little to go on, I think it's a real waste that they spent so much time on it rather than something that would be really cool, like the messer combat.
--- End quote ---

I thought it was very strange, too. The only reasonably close half-guess I could approximate would be based around "murder holes", that if I remember right were holes around the portcullis area so that defenders could spear or shoot at attackers. I just don't see the "crayfish" being used like that. It's as if they played too many Tomb Raider or Zelda games. The tank and other designs were feasible, especially since they showed a functional medieval diving suit ... but the crayfish ... just not sure about that. Doesn't seem like the materials and labor it would require would be even remotely efficient, in cost or application.

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-01-20, 17:57:15 ---I'll have to see if I can get this on OnDemand.

--- End quote ---

I'm going to see if I can get my dad to dump my tape of it to digital format this weekend. It's not HD or anything, but it's at least watchable.

Sir William:
Sir James, that'd be awesome!


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