Sir Edward's thread (,843.0.html) got me thinking a bit.
I've always enjoyed knights and castles, and I was making castles from couch cushions and powder when I was tiny. I don't remember a time when I wasn't interested in them. As a child, it was more of the thrill of chasing dragons, rescuing maidens, defeating evil villains, and lots of other cliches. I didn't want to be a dwarf, or an elf, or a mage .. I wanted to be a warrior. A paladin. Sometimes, a cleric. But always the essence of a knight. As much fun as I still think that would be, there is a much more practical and realistic aspect of being a knight, especially to those whose interest comes later in life.
When I was in high school, some seniors were picking on a friend's brother, taking his lunch money at the bus stop and harassing him (he was in middle school). It was like a bad movie. We decided to ask them to stop (since we were seniors too), and so myself, my friend, and one more friend went to talk to them at the pool. The end result was that 8 people came to "talk" to us, during which I got distracted by a girl in a bikini at the community pool (I was 16, it happens

), assuming hey, there's 8 guys and lots of random witnesses, we're safe ... then out of the corner of my eye I saw my friend (5'0" and thin) get shoved.
I reacted instinctively by stepping in-between him and the guy that pushed him ... and 2 guys sucker punched me from the side. I don't remember anything past that, but my friend said that I managed to grab the chain link fence before I hit the ground, yank myself back up like a ninja, and that before I was upright again the kids yelled "Whoa! Run!" and took off. I ended up with 4 stitches in my lip (it tore in the corner), a nice bruise, a probably concussion ... and you could see the outline on my cheek from the ring where one of the guys hit me. Now, I have a decent pain tolerance (stupidity?), I ate McDonalds for dinner the day I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled ... but I "ate" through a straw for a few days after that. I've still got the scar.
I never heard about them bothering his brother again, though. At that point, I mentally stepped out of the shadows as the kid who got picked on all the time (which was reality), and into who I want to be ... someone defending the weak and waging war against the evil. When I look at, handle, or wear my armor, it's as if I can escape who I am, and become the person I wish I could be, even if just for a fleeting moment.
What was a defining moment in your life when you felt drawn to true knighthood and/or the chivalric ideals?