Main > The Great Hall

Well Met!

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Sir James A:
Welcome. I was about to ask if you're on another forum, as the avatar looks familar.

You are indeed in a very lucky place to have easy access to A&A and The Oakeshott Institute. I'm over an hour away from the closest WMA practices.

Sir Rodney:
Thank you all for the very kind welcome.

--- Quote from: Sir William ---Well met, Rodney...welcome to the site, have a look around, take a seat by the fire, draw yourself an ale and tell us a tale or two.
--- End quote ---
I'm very adept at drawing ale, but be warned, the tales grow taller with each empty tankard. ;)

--- Quote from: Sir Edward ---As an aside, A&A does make some fine steel trainers for historical swordsmanship.
--- End quote ---
I had the opportunity to meet Craig in the shop for a brief spell just before Christmas.  They have a simple wooden rack that holds completed swords ready for shipment.  I am having trouble putting into words my experience of seeing so many blades of so many eras just standing in their little slots.  The only thing that tore me away from the rack was one of the elves saying "over here are the shelves of daggers, maces and axes; want to try some on for size?"  At that point I started babbling incoherently.

--- Quote from: James Anderson III ---Welcome. I was about to ask if you're on another forum, as the avatar looks familiar.
--- End quote ---
I really need to take some new photographs as my kit has changed significantly in the last 12 months. :-[

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-01-05, 19:25:41 ---Thank you all for the very kind welcome.

--- Quote from: Sir William ---Well met, Rodney...welcome to the site, have a look around, take a seat by the fire, draw yourself an ale and tell us a tale or two.
--- End quote ---
I'm very adept at drawing ale, but be warned, the tales grow taller with each empty tankard. ;)

--- End quote ---

Were it not for that, there would never have been Tales of Charlemagne or Knights of the Table least, not worth reading or listening to.  ;)

Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met!  It's always nice to see a familair face from another forum joining our own!  Based upon your posts over at the Archive and MyArmoury, our discussions here will be well served by your contributions!

Sir Rodney:
Thank you Red Knight. :-[

I am not a prolific poster.  Instead I try to post only when I can contribute in some fashion.  (Not to say an occasional silly post doesn't slip out from time to time. ;))


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